
Sunday, January 03, 2016


My dear philosopher-atheist friend Iacopo was correct in saying that I saw and made a deal with to survive my accident - even if it would be painful – for my unending love for my treasures, was Jesus as well when someone of another faith/religion makes the news when - instead of meeting Buddha or Zeus – they say to have met with Jesus as well.
All of these people in a coma who had a NDE very probably must know of Jesus, somehow, because anyone else of some other religion would never be in the news if they say to have met who/what they believe in, I mean: what kind of news would it be if a Buddhist meets Buddha and so on?
This explains the reason why I now believe to have met myself in the form of my soul (clear explanation of my keep saying that we are like God NOT Jehovah) that once freed from the noise of the living world is free to use what’s now called the Universal Intelligence (cumulative per Iacopo) that makes it possible to see past, present and future like when we watch a movie.
My own hypothesis however, is that I did really meet Jesus Christ, not myself as a soul, even if I cannot remember it – given my 2 months long coma, I say it, simply because - much to my amazement –I told of this to both my father (totally unable to speak a word in English) and to my best friend/former employee Pat (no knowledge of Italian language at all) of my meeting Jesus (hang on to it, says the afterlife expert I’ve been emailing with).
From what I just said it's clear that there’s both nothing strange in me meeting with Jesus, nor that it would be something worth to make news.
If I add that the truth of Jesus (Jehovah) not only is recognized as a real historical figure by Iacopo and that the existence of its shroud has been studied since decades by dozens of scientists who proved that it’s real and certainly NOT man-made in medieval times I hope to be believed when I say that I really met with our creator as man (Jesus).
Related to this is the benevolence of our creator Jehovah that by giving free –will makes it possible to those who believe that death is the end will be spending their eternity  "idling " as soul.
While I already know that "one certain father" is idling already, I can say that I don’t know if those souls are aware of their condition, I’m very confident in assuring my readers that using the imposing force of love  those souls can be pulled out of their condition to enter the heaven where the "pulling souls" already are.
This is the reason that explains why the sentiment of love is uniquely human and can truly move mountains. But just like everything else love must be used in a positive way (i.e. think of the people who love to use guns, or love to blow up constructions).
You can read the plenty posts I wrote about love, but don’t forget that "what you think is what you are "…..take it easy.


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