
Monday, September 21, 2015


Time is a very mysterious and of relative size, it's difficult to define and explain, but let me give it a try.
St. Augustine in his "Confessions" wrote: "What is time? If no one asks me, I know; if I want to explain to someone who asks me, I don't know anymore." We could say that time is a primary concept, indefinable with other concepts: it's a measure of the succession of events.
Time is also a concept and a relative magnitude in physics, since the theory of relativity indicates its variability as relative to the observer and to its state of motion.
Time in afterlife is different from that on Earth. The souls have a very different feeling of the passage of time than we do, and don't know how to correlate their time with worldly events. This happens not only because of the absence of the seasons and of the alternation between day and night, but mainly because the world is based on events with a vibration frequency greater than our own, the higher they are and the more that world is refined. It's a common experience that those who receive psychic messages from the afterlife carry time stamps that are very different from ours; such an event is called as "imminent"and can occur on Earth in months. This could be reconciled with the theory of relativity that those who could travel into space at very high speed, return to Earth to find their friends much older. When father Betto in Ventura told me that centuries can pass before we can connect with the soul of someone who's passed already, I thought that he had found some silly justification for being unable to prove what he preaches about for his entire life.
However, after having done my usual research I can say that what I just wrote is objectively true, it's just a matter to have the brain injured and not be allowed to take care of my money......


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