
Friday, July 10, 2015


All I can say is that I had created a folder for my posts in Word doc files that I see now it contains 734 files, but my blog here has few more than 400 posts, therefore I'm going to re-post some of those writings made since 2008 that - even if not really contemporary - express ideas of permanent value, just like this one:
Very much has been written about the feeling of love in humans and I truly cannot (according to Erik) add anything intelligent to this complex concept.
What I want to simply express is that love is a feeling uniquely human, if we see any animal taking care of the newborns or mate to have them, it’s just because their instincts somehow “force” them to do so.
As much as we descend from African monkeys (according to Darwin and Michele) we have the capacity of love feelings that make us act accordingly that’s uniquely human, therefore our mating and taking care of our newborns isn’t something coming from the “genes programming” like in any animal, but it’s truly something that resides in the human brain (not in the heart- as commonly thought) in addition us humans do have the soul, another major difference from animals, this brings me to say what I consider to be important, or that when we die our souls continue to exist with all of our memories and go “somewhere” depending in what you believe in.
Us Catholics have embraced what the immortal poet Dante Alighieri described in his Comedy, that given that it was a “collection of popular beliefs on the streets” in his times (about 1.200 -1.300 years) might just be a poetic fantasy.
What’s true however is that our souls end up somewhere after our bodies cease to function and there remain in eternity and – aside what the Comedy tells – if some person has caused to another to suffer or die eternity in what’s been called hell is sure.
So why would anyone trade few decades of success, importance and wealth here when it’s compared to the eternity of hell?

I just want to mention a couple of facts consistent with this post, or that the 17th century French mathematician Pascal Wager stated that “it’s better (more convenient) to believe that a God exists, rather than not” and what Pope Francis recently stated or that even atheists have access to heaven, as long as they never hurt anyone else, here too I could write an entire new post in reference to what several people have caused to me to be hurt and humiliated, but not here.


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