
Saturday, June 27, 2015

THE THING scaaaarryy

Using a really little amount of my monthly charity I recently purchased and received this movie that - once again - attempts to answer the question that humanity has been asking since its beginning millions of years ago.
Basically it's about a team of scientists and researchers who go somewhere in Antarctica to see an extra-terrestrial vessel inside the ice since tens of thousands of years and find the "creature commanding this ship frozen for that long in the ice not too far from the vessel.
What makes this movie truly very scary is that as this creature is moved inside a barrack still inside the ice, it proves to be still alive and - like any bacteria - contaminates whoever can be infected.
What's really scary (for my injured mind) is that this infection from this extra-terrestrial creature duplicates exactly every cell of the infected person, except what isn't organic, in example one of the methods use early in this war against the alien (or thing) is to look at teeth who have refilled cavities, because this creature cannot duplicate what isn't organic (or human).
In the beginning it was thought to look at the blood of everyone, but since the entire lab was destroyed a smart bio-chemist girl came up with something much easier to do and as reliable as the blood testing.
Aside from the big tension this movie provokes in the viewer, in short the rest of the movie turns into a real battle to help this "thing" (bacteria or disease) get away from Antarctica and therefore be free to infect the entire world.
In short I can only advise to watch this movie because it's surely worth a full six-pack of beers and if you watch it with friends (or better alone with a young girl) you can certainly impress the other by showing no fear.


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