
Friday, April 24, 2015


Only due to my NDE I'm in still contact with the afterlife and with Jesus, much to my huge amazement last night (2 am) this contact gave a dream to me where I met in some street corner B. (arry) who I've been planning to murder since years and in fact I was thinking to end him with a hit of my elbow under his nose (very typical and easy way to end somebody), very bizarrely his boldness was covered by a wig that I was told to be a demand done by his newlywed  wife.
Since I looked both surprised and interested, I stopped my sure mortal move while he went on by saying that she's blonde like my woman, so I asked where this "new wife" is from and he said with a big smile that she's a blonde from Sicily, to which I immediately commented that for a woman from Sicily to be blonde is as rare as rain in the Sahara desert, while laughing he told me to be very sorry to have done what he did, but added too that it wasn't too bad for my treasures to have the presence of a man in their lives, especially given their very young age.
Much to my own shocked amazement (I had to wake up) I did forgive him for what he did and thought too that his paying for the grocery shopping plus the rent couldn't be considered as criminal as I used to think.

All I can say about forgiveness now is that I wish that my former companion would be able to forgive herself and that I probably should listen to her when she tells to me (always) that my love for her is given by my brain being injured.

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