
Saturday, February 07, 2015


My last post about saying that our brain is the real God has initiated a number of email discussions with different people, I find it amusing that someone said that if we humans are  Gods, then the creator of the entire universe - with us included - must be a superior type of God or a GOD2 squared because more powerful and important than we are, the human-gods.
Therefore I need to explain that what I suggested as the human-God doesn't eliminate the existence of the omnipotent creator of the entire universe, it simply explains the reason why prayers cannot put our creator in motion to satisfy our needs or desires, nor going to Mass every Sunday can send our souls to heaven.
I've been talking about the power of our brain that through its focus and concentration can make miracles happen and that we humans have no idea of how to control and manage it any more than "the usual" 10% of its capacities. I mean, just now (second millennium) we are starting to map it (B.R.A.I.N. initiative) to know at least how it's constructed and formed and we know that the exceptional artists or scientists (i.e. Einstein and Leonardo or Michelangelo)could do what they did thanks to their ability to utilize the capacities of their brains at a superior level than usual in their specific fields, in fact I don't think that the great Einstein could form a David out of a block of marble like Michelangelo did, and so on (I can make hundreds of examples like this).
What truly fascinates my injured mind is that "real science" seems to have discovered what every Catholic has known for about 2.000 years, or that we all have a soul that continues to exists after we die and goes where the personal assessment of the way the life on earth was lived, or if anybody had to suffer for the action of that soul/individual or not.
I also mentioned the Universal intelligence as a condition of the mind being acquired after death, but I did receive criticism about mentioning and believing it real. I therefore don't want to say again that this may happen, in the end we'll know only after we die and I won't make a buck if I'm right.
Few links and one Youtube as usual:


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