
Thursday, December 11, 2014


I was born and raised in Italy – the country where the Vatican is – and since I was very young I was raised and educated as Catholic, Jesus Christ is the son of Father God who treats us all as his children and always protects them from the “bad” or evil. So when I got my “dream job” in magnificent Santa Barbara, in the State of California, where my beloved wife was born I thought that I had been able with my hard work and correctness to reach the top of all I ever dreamed to have in my life.
The accident with TBI that had me lose all I had earned to that point, taking away from me also any possibility to re-start a decent life again made me convinced that the “father God” is just a story made up by those who are in power since centuries to keep the populations on earth quiet and focused on the inexistent.
Being told almost every day of the many people who pray for me gave me the concept that if all the mental energies of the ones who pray were to be used to do something constructive in life and reality, maybe something good could  come out of all those hours spent in prayers.
My own mother tells me every day that she keeps praying for several hours each day the Monte Berico Virgin Mary, because she had prayed her to ask for me to be born, while she was having natural miscarriages.
So – as for the existence of a God – I thought that even if one really existed indeed, no prayer could ever be answered or the whole world would pray for the end of all wars and disappearance of i.e. cancer from earth, I read once on this subject in a site that explains why praying never results in what is being prayed for.

However everyone prays because they want to thank God and it is important because you are trying to express your feelings and you are in a way trying to block noise out of the way and trying to get peace (meditate)

Why prayer is important varies from religion to religion, but essentially, prayer is seen as talking to God. As God tends to be all-powerful, creator of the world, type being, talking to Him is seen as pretty important. People pray to ask God to forgive them, to praise God, to thank God, etc. For people, it makes them feel more connected spiritually, and often makes them feel more at peace in their every day lives.
So now even after having had all the doubts about the existence of a God and of the irrelevance of spending any time praying to ask for something, I do ask to all of you reading me here to pray for me and the triumph of justice for me, now that two separate neuropsychologists have castrated any access to my money saying that I’m incompetent, as suggested in text-books written decades ago.
I do ask for your prayers because – even if no God answers to any – I believe that the concentration of our minds can really move mountains, as proved by the history of the past 2.0000 years.
God’s existence is real and is proven by the gravity law as much as human justice is affected by them both (G+g), so with the help of your prayers/mind concentration justice will certainly triumph and give lots to think about to those who put their faith in decades-old textbooks that blindfold them in their practice.
Maybe when I write these posts in my blog I give the example of a brain injured who cannot elaborate thoughts or concepts like any normal person, if this is the case I do apologize, but writing and posting my thoughts is probably the best therapy I can do, so since it doesn’t hurt me, neither it can kill me.

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