
Saturday, October 04, 2014


As I had done on 4/4 - Noah, 4/18 - Heaven is for real, 4/30 - Another woman, 9/7 - As above, so below I'm about to repeat myself in what I wrote on 7/28 in my post titled TRINITY, or that I find it at least upsetting and offensive that the political world (i.e. Obama visiting the Pope recently) is taking the lead in the attempt the replacement of the "God consumerism" with the Catholic God while the entire US clergy is just looking at this while it happens.
Aside from the fact that we even just had a Pope resign from his elected position while everyone else just looked at it, we now can see that while Obama is taking charge of protecting our souls, he can rely even on the Hollywood film making machine to make the faith in Jesus and the entire history of Catholicism's at least appealing to the Joe Doe who lives down the street.
 On top we now have the so called "quantum scientists" who claim to have figured out in a mathematical way both that God really exists and that we humans have an afterlife, or that after we die our souls (proved to exist, even by the pictures of some Russian photographer) with the knowledge and experience acquired while living here on earth will continue to exist forever, I guess that's why everyone has jumped on the catholic wagon, who may ever want to spend eternity in hell?
About hell, purgatory and heaven I want to add my comment of a brain injured who cannot manage his own money....
I just want to say - as an accident survivor who had a NDE - that hell isn't what Dante described in his Divine Comedy, it's just a soul lost in the immensity of our expanding universe all alone, knowing (damn) well where heaven is with God.
Then as for Purgatory, it is just like being in hell BUT with the knowledge that after some time has gone by being all alone in the universe, the doors to heaven will be open again.

Personally, I cannot imagine a worse hell than the one where for eternity one regrets all the wrongs done to others for some (selfish) reasons, but that is what God will make that soul realize and understand, no matter if one is convinced to have always and only done what is right and fair to others while living (there are too many I could name now, but I best let you realize who you are) BUT never forget that by repairing your wrongs done to others before you die you can surely be forgiven!!


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