I know that I often miss my time spent working as manager in
footwear companies, I bet that my reason is that's what I did for almost 35
years, day after day, like washing your hands before eating a meal, it was
truly a part of me and of who I wanted to be since I was a teenager.
What is not very clear however is that my true primary job
used to be to take care, protect and provide all kinds of comfort to my wife
Michele, who chose to be the mother of my treasures.
Given that while in a coma I had what today is called an NDE
(near death experience) during which I supposedly made an agreement with Jesus
to survive a truly mortal accident, I've been spending much time reading,
learning about and talking by email with both theologians, priests, nuns and
Because of my intensive focus in these areas, I feel comfortable to say - like real scientists have been saying recently - that what all religions on earth have been saying for thousands of years, or claim about the continuing of our existence also after our physical death (when our bodies cease to function) is definitely and scientifically true, or that it can at least be measured. Truthfully, this is strictly related to what has been my real job since I became a husband, then a father and that will remain my main occupation for as long as I am living, or that I take good care of my family, Michele and my treasures. Of course, while I love my children so much that I'm still alive (no matter the pain) for them, my heart of an Italian man always stays close to the one woman I picked out from around the entire world (from Italy to California) who helped me create my treasures, who will enable true eternity of existence to me in this living earth.
- http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Husband
- http://www.amazon.com/The-Caregiving-Wifes-Handbook-Seriously/dp/0897936051
- http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-be-a-good-Husband-to-your-Wife-10-Qualities
- https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100129042636AAHEk9V
- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/Udita-Goswami-I-feel-blessed-to-have-such-a-caring-husband/articleshow/40368110.cms
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