I posted here before that I'm a survivor of a mortal bike
accident (murder) who had a NDE during which I said to have made an agreement
with Jesus Christ, but I must now say that my friend Iacopo (the 3rd
hypothesis) was probably correct in saying that I said so only due to my growth
and education in the very Catholic Italy.
In fact, I am now convinced to have agreed to remain alive
for my (powerful) love for my children/treasures directly with God - since
there is no difference between Jesus and "his father" God.
I recently realized that - as people close to me suggested
already - I waste my energies in thinking to ways to punish those who make me
suffer for no reason simply because they can, given their position of power and
control over me.
Father Betto once told me that my suffering is like sharing
the pains of Jesus Christ while on the cross and since I'm sure of the reality
of life after death, I simply refer the "final judgment" and
potential punishment to the infinite knowledge of our true God.
This doesn't mean at all, that I just refer my life and
wellbeing to a distant future, I'm never going to give up my fight to
re-conquer my rights of free man, it simply means that I'm done planning to
hurt anybody for causing my pains, God will evaluate and decide where these
souls will be spending their eternity. My main objective remains to make sure
that my USA
family will have the doors to heaven open, so that we will exist together again
- https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2007/04/the-healing-power-of-forgiveness?lang=eng
- http://www.learningpeace.com/pages/LP_10.htm
- http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-freedom/201109/the-power-forgiveness-even-911
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/randy-kamen-gredinger-edd/forgiveness_b_2006882.html
- http://bigthink.com/experts-corner/the-power-of-forgiveness
- http://powertochange.com/discover/faith/forgiveness/
- http://www.thepowerofforgiveness.com/
- http://www.2012-spiritual-growth-prophecies.com/power-of-forgiveness.html
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