
Saturday, May 24, 2014


One of my dearest friend – whom sometimes I call Catholic extremist for fun – recently asked me why I say on one side that I’m a God believer and at the same time (or few posts later) I say that the karma (Buddhist and very human) is stronger than God, and while I’m hoping that I made it very clear to be a full creationist and very anti-Darwinist, I think it best to explain what I meant by saying that the karma might be very influential in our lives and might at times seem to be stronger than God-self.

First of all to believe in the existence of God requires your soul to take a real dive in the  hope-sea because – as I’ve said here before – God gave to us humans the brain that cannot absolutely be explained by any evolutionary theory and that we use (if we are lucky)  at about 20% of its capacity.
I’m convinced that the God-given brain is just like an antenna receiver to enter in communication with God (the Divine Creator) and when that happens we (humans) can make miracles happen (= whatever no science can find any way to explain it i.e. the Holy Shroud in Turin).
We also need to understand that God’s son, Jesus lived 2.000 years ago and was talking to shepherds who did not have the logic, intelligence and mental flexibility that we now have developed in so long of a time.
In my broken mind (as per Michele, Anna and Beth)I hope that what I just explained gives a reason to why I said in previous posts that I’m disappointed to see Obama take the charge to replace the USA faith in consumerism with Catholic principles (very followed by contemporary Hollywood) while even at the highest level of the Vatican everyone (priests and bishops) are just looking at this effort to bring back moral principles while comfortably sitting on their self-made thrones.
It also explains the reason why there’s no doubt in my mind that the USA are going to return to be again a country of great monetary and democratic influence over the world, simply because God likes to have things in balance (i.e. the whole universe and all its physics, math, biology and so on….) while at the same time Europe will face the crisis we have been suffering from for plenty years here because their monetary strength has been making it too easy to forget about reinforcing their infrastructure of wealth creation.
And on this I may write a whole new post because I have too much to say about this. Check this confirmation of what my broken brain cannot stop to believe in:

 Enjoy these videos!

And here my immense and eternal love (besides Michele) plays my passion:

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