
Saturday, February 08, 2014


While I’m wondering if my TBI  (or hemorrhagic stroke previously named incorrectly TBI) had any influence on the various assessments I had to go through, I’m somehow relieved of the medical consequences that my newly discovered condition (by myself only) might have on my inability to walk (that I’ve been saying for 8+ years that’s the unique disability that resulted from my accident).
The thing is that even if the brain is injured (like a stroke) anyway, there exist many more therapies and systems to help a victim to regain the walking ability than for a TBI.
I can’t begin to say how many websites come out from a simple Google search about post-stroke and walking.
While in my mind I cannot think of any logical reason why an injured brain with less living neurons would be any different depending on the way the neurons had died, I’m pretty happy and excited to see that the “guess-science’ has been working to improve the motor deficiencies of stroke victims for more time and with greater success.
I’m just going to put here below a couple of links on this matter, but if any of my readers is curious, I advise to simply make the search I just suggested to see that I’m not blowing any smoke in anyone’s eyes, I’m truly serious.

I hope to soon be able to say here that I re-acquired my walking ability and I’m both going to Italy with my treasures and getting back to work ( as I’ve been saying W=W or to Walk equals to Work).

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