
Monday, July 16, 2018


The last doctor who assessed me, pretty much took for good all of what the previous one in Oxnard had written in his assessment, in fact just read what this last doctor  wrote, there are at least 20 places where he makes reference to what the previous one wrote in his assessment of me.
PLEASE NOTE: any assessment of this kind requires that the assessor talks with the closest relatives of the assessee in order to have the best idea of the original type of personality the assessee had. Well, consider that:
·         Both my parents don’t speak a word of English
·         my 2 children were never contacted by either of these 2 doctors  
·         I don’t know (nor care to know) about the former wife
I ask to myself, to my readers and to my judge (maybe next time) W.T.F. is the validity of my two assessments, especially of the last one?
HOWEVER this last one gave me the chance (thank you) to show to the court that I can manage my money, therefore maybe I don’t need a loser.
BUT here’s how this “experiment” went down (simplifying):
 I was granted of $3K as a start to show my abilities, no credit of any kind (i.e. no c. cards), a bank acct. on my name BUT with the supervision of my guardian, I was able to receive my monthly retirement directly in my new bank account and I was in charge of all my monthly expenses payments.
Now, without giving real money figures, I’m just going to use percentages, in hope to give at least the idea of what this test proved, or that I can’t take care of myself and my family.
55% of my total income goes to the payment for my residing in an “hotel of superior level” in Santa Barbara downtown, that’s organized as a retirement community for very old (and very wealthy) people who aren’t self-sufficient anymore mainly due to their age – in fact my being 55 y/o I’m the kid of this Villa/hotel, the rest of the people who live here are at least 80 y/o.
Another 25% of my income goes for my treasures support (directly to their mother, who uses it to pay rent where she’s been living and to pay for all the other expenses of a typical family of 3) as a result of this, their mother had to get a job so that she can use her salary for all she can’t pay with the children’s support that comes from me.
Since she refuses to let me live in my family again (as she has clearly stated more than once) the money is all gone by month’s end.
So - no credit - $3K as a starting amount (cushion) here’s how my initial money cushion was used:
   1.  One afternoon – in the middle of the month – the ex-wife came into my room/prison-cell, went into my new bank account – where I already was with my PC - and transferred the $2K of the children’s support into her own bank account “I need money earlier this month” (she said)
   2.  A couple of days later my dear son (my creation, I say) came in my room crying and asked $1K to pay to buy back from a pound shop his sister’s gold bracelet that he had stolen from her to put some cash in his pockets. Very wrongly I gave him this money with a check of my new bank account.
  3.  I paid half the transatlantic air-ticket for my angel (daughter) to go to Italy to learn to speak Italian fluently and get to know the Italian side of our family, all relatives included.
  4.  The ballet school she’s been attending called and charged me the monthly fee for 2 months, instead of the half of one month as it was agreed in the past (and that I was never told).
Because of the 4 unplanned points I just described I was unable to pay my own rent. Therefore rather than explaining to my judge that I’m too good of a father (and too stupid former husband) I ended up – in agreement with my great attorney - to withdraw from this test, I have absolutely no need to try to convince anyone of who I really am and where I put my priorities.
The result of this total disaster test has been that I must keep this loser, let him manage all of my money AND pay him for all of his “very hard work to pay my bills” in order to support this poor man without brain and no competence (me,really?) to be able to have sufficient funds for his retirement, “so I'm forced by the law to allow this loser (and his "legal uddy") to go ahead and steal all the money that I was planning to use for my retirement (=$80K)”. In the next few days I'll say who I may thank for this disaster.....


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