
Wednesday, April 05, 2017


Quantum gravity is an overall term for theories that attempt to unify gravity with the other fundamental forces of physics (which are already unified together). It generally creates a theoretical entity, a graviton, which is a virtual particle that mediates the gravitational force.
Loop quantum gravity tries to achieve this goal by looking at the smooth fabric of spacetime in general relativity and contemplating the question of whether, like regular fabric, it might be made up of smaller fibers woven together. The connections between these quanta of space-time may yield a background-independent way of looking at gravity in the quantum world.
If found, the graviton is expected to be massless (because it acts instantaneously at long distances) and have spin 2 (because gravity is a second-rank tensor field).
Using the simplest words I can use, since gravity is a force that explains from the way entire galaxies (with solar systems) behave and connect with each other  and quantum means microscopic, there’s a basic disconnection between trying to explain in with physical and mathematical models why the earth rotates around the sun and why an apple falls from a tree.
This is the reason why researchers have come up with both the concepts that a theory of quantum gravity must exist. Whether or not gravity is exactly what we think of as quantum mechanics is fundamental to quantum gravity remains open. A general suspicion is that gravity, in the geometrical trappings of Einstein’s theory is not fundamental. In this sense “quantum gravity” may be a misnomer, but the key point is that it pertains to a unified description of physics, whatever that turns out to be.

As you’ll see my new hero – Michio Kaku – gives a truly precise description of the way every physicist feels like when trying to mathematically explain these new quantum entity…….infinite plus infinite multiplied by infinite divided by infinite, results in ………(too bad that my injured brain knows the answer…. daaaahhhh….).


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