
Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I find it to be almost comic that I’ve almost become a theologian – primarily because of my unending love for the movie “the da Vinci code” where the council of Nicaea is mentioned and very much also because I consider it the time when the Catholic empire agreed to consider some of the recounts about Jesus and his doings among the Palestinians (Jews) as apocryphal, simply because Jesus was described like any other real man of his times really was (i.e. partying, getting drunk with friends/apostles, making vulgar jokes with them, etc.…).
My guess is that among those 300+ bishops at the council were some who supported and drove the church to the Crusades (in order to expand the territorial dominions of the Vatican kingdom).
Bottom line very little is known about who Jesus was as a real person because those apocryphal scriptures can only be seen by the pope, I think (but I’m not sure) that they’ve never even been photographed, therefore they might not exist.
I found so much material that describes this council that I must give few links to it because it’s too hard for me to read much, even if my desktop screen is wide and really good, I’m thinking that I should go to Valencia for a visit with my genius optician, who specializes in people with the occipital lobe in the brain when it’s injured and who has been taking care of my sight for several years, he’s the one who had me use prisms in the lenses of my glasses first, but now I think to have lost clarity and focus of sight just because of age, therefore I’ll go to see him hopefully soon.


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