
Saturday, April 16, 2016


Maybe it’s only because I had a N.D.E. that I can both understand and guess topics that I’m amazed to be even interested in, but I must say that I feel like I should be given a medal for having known already what quantum physics is claiming to be able to prove today, or that death isn’t the end of our existence, we as individuals, with our conscience simply move to another (parallel) universe of the billions we now know that exist.
As a matter of fact, every night I dream to either be driving around Verona with one of my dearest Liceo (Tiz) classmates or that I’m the new C.E.O. of TEVA a company I own.

What I actually found hilarious is the dream I had just last night, or that the guy who had gotten rid (= fired) of me when I was with GEOX was being fired by the company’s owner (M. M. Pol.) in a very laughable manner, in the presence of people I’m sure don’t work at that company anymore.
In other words I wake up with a big smile on my face (most of the times) but this truly makes me dream that this is reality in some other universe, where I’m not divorced and always lonely; I just don’t know how to transfer to that universe.
This made me think that maybe that’s where we go after we die, and – my, oh my!! – it turns out that my (injured) logic is being “scientifically proven” with the latest quantum theories that truly sparkle my interest and (injured) logic. Therefore all I need to do is to wait to die to get to the other parallel universe and experience for real all I’ve been dreaming since I got out of my coma!
However, how could anyone say:”I can’t wait to die!” – Especially me, I agreed with Jesus to remain alive for the love I have for my two treasures?
From a certain (injured) point of view, we could all say: “why the f…. must we waste our lives being in this universe if the one of the afterlife is so much better?”.

Well, aside that even the Bible says that to commit suicide is a capital sin, can you think of how bad the one who commits suicide would feel for not having remained alive and do all that could have been done if still alive? In my (injured) mind this truly is being forever in hell and don’t ask what hell is, I’ve explained here plenty times already.



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