
Saturday, April 30, 2016


I finally figured out (using my injured brain and its logic) the reason why my Queen Michele has been telling me that she’s scared to become my conservator and I must say – sadly – that she’s totally correct, I can't count the number of times I barked at her for having tossed the receipt that’s always given every time you pay for something (anything) you buy in any business or retail store.
I was in fact the accountant not only in my family but I was overlooking the accounting departments in every company I ever worked at.
The simple fact that my college graduation in Italy was in math and science says very well both the level of my studies and of my overall preparation in these fields. In fact what’s been happening lately, is me guiding my conservator in doing everything right with both my investments and life insurance (that will only benefit my two treasures when it’ll finally be time to pass over).
In making a very superficial and brief Google search about the inability of wives in managing money, I found that this isn’t surely my wife's exception, just look at the websites I link below to have a pretty good sense that this issue is pretty widespread.
Actually, this is yet another reason (like another one was needed) to justify my decision to vote for Trump, rather than for Hillary C.
Since the beginning of time men have been in charge of making their families /wives as comfortable as possible, while women have been taking care of what men cannot do, or to procreate/give birth.

I therefore now understand and (somehow) agree with Michele’s fear to be in charge of our money, it’s just that she can’t understand that rather than paying tens of thousands of dollars to a conservator to “take care of my money” I could simply go back to what I was doing for decades before the injury, however she remains to be terrified that I might “waste” my money to go after impossible and not yet FDA approved therapies (no matter that it’s been used for years to help the recovery of people with TBI, like me) I’m kind of curious (in a sick way) to see the Enbrel therapy become officially approved by the Australian FDA, where their Big Pharma surely isn’t as powerful as here.


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