
Wednesday, July 01, 2015


Since I seem to have already fully convinced few "true atheists" friends with this hypothesis of mine, I now repeat it here, so that others can either refute or accept it, with the understanding of where it comes from (a lonely  TBI victim).  God is simply just us men, which is quite different from the creator of this and all other universes (that are the simple result of time travel that we'll learn how to do in a nearby future), therefore when you swear God you don't commit blasphemy nor an illegality(even punishable by  law in Italy), you just insult yourself, i.e. when you say (in Italian Dio porco) or God pig/god damned, you are just insulting yourself and for this - after you die - you will give to yourself "X" amount of time (don't forget the eternal perspective) to regret what you had said.
I'm in  total agreement to what the movie Zeitgeist says of the Vatican, being a true empire (but not of what it says about Jesus, who really existed and there is irrefutable evidence of His existence).
In fact, Jesus said to his followers (friends or disciples) that "his father" was Jehovah in several times of His life (as you can read in the Bible), but to be understood by the Palestinian shepherds and fishermen 2,000 years ago He had to use the same level of expression, to make Himself understood.
I have to smile when I see deeply convinced atheists say that God doesn't surely exist and then they talk about their own creation of children (Hawking) or when researchers talk about their finding of the "God spot" in our brain (only in one single spot?).
However, what truly impresses me now is the B.R.A.I.N. mapping project of our brain that in just the second millennium we recognize that we don't know how it's made, this is actually to me the best proof that our brain - asides it being another organ in our magnificent body - is truly a gift from our creator (Jehovah), that we still cannot utilize to its fullest and when we do - maybe by some accident -  we make a miracle (= what science still cannot explain........).
As I saw in a Morgan freeman movie recently, our creator is looking at us like M. Freeman looks at his ants farm while saying that it wouldn't surprise him to see the ants build churches to adore him. Much more to come on this topic......


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