
Monday, February 23, 2015


Lately and very recently science of all types has been researching the Afterlife, or what every single religion ever existed has been preaching for at least thousands of years.
Now, given the number of messages I keep receiving about what I say here, rather than responding to each of them I post here what I mean when I say something here, in hope to clarify my (broken) thinking to everyone and stop to be asked the same question more than once.
First of all I'm sure that - no matter if I claimed that we humans are God I'm a true Catholic and do believe in the real existence of Jesus Christ, the true God - not the son.....remember the Trinity concept.
No matter how powerful our brain can be, there is a true Creator of this universe who made himself human in the person of Jesus Christ, to teach to us humans that physical death isn't the end of our existence and to put some control to the immense powers of our brain (that even if we use at a small percentage of its capacity, is more powerful than we can dream) and mind, that being part of our soul is truly eternal.
I must repeat here what a true struck of genius and wonder my beloved movie (what dreams may come) is and I invite my readers to Google search how being the main character in this movie impacted the life (and its end) of Robin Williams, who surely knew what committing suicide would have resulted in eternity for his soul.
With my links here and the Youtube videos I let you decide what can best be done for the happy continuation of your existence, now even supported by real scientific research.
But then again, it's only your own God-given free-will that will have you decide what you think it's best for yourself.
My only (crazy) curiosity is to know the reason why our Creator gave to us the free-will through the action of rebellion of the first woman Eve, why not Adam, men have been braking rules forever, it wouldn't have been seen strange at all........instead......EVE!


another personally top rated movie that I wish to watch with my treasures...

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