
Saturday, September 13, 2014


I spoke here before how important my children/treasures are for me, for the reason that they represent my immortality because they will pass on my own genes (personality and physical characteristics) into future generations.
My dear dad taught me that the best/most efficient and long lasting way to teach something to children, or others is to do it "by example" and while I'm sure that I teach to my treasures what it means to be tough and be able to mentally (at least) overcome the most devastating injury to the still completely unknown part of the body (brain), I really hope that they won't learn anything from what their mother has been showing to them about her way to survive the loss of the man she had married and happily lived together with, for at least 15 years.
What I find insulting is that I am under conservatorship to "protect" my own monetary wealth from myself while my former wife has been victim of investment swindles and dreams to replace me with something that I can only call with the letter B. because even if he may have a first and last name, he only deserves to be referred to with one single letter.
Few weeks ago I put a post in my blog for my treasures about warning my princess about certain behaviors that her mother was showing, to make sure that she wasn't being "taught by example" and I received an angry call from my dear son, very upset because his sister was crying desperate, so I immediately removed it, in hope that she will never forget what I was trying to teach (in words only).
Few months before my dad "passed over" he told me very seriously that my unique reason to agree with God to remain alive had been for the love I have for my treasures ONLY and not for what I was thinking as the most logical love I will always have, or for Michele.
I posted here before that love is truly blind and thinking about it, I want to say that it is very good that I am blind for my love, because I do not know what might happen (to B.), if I could see with clarity.


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