
Tuesday, July 01, 2014


My whole life was dedicated to excellence, when at school, I was a very good student and then I had a great career working in the top management of international footwear companies.
In October 2005 as I was exercising riding my bicycle I was run over by a minor without both driving license and adult supervision.
I had just started to work as president of a brand in the Deckers group but the accident gave me traumatic brain injury and I lost my job and (maybe) the ability to ever work again.
This injury has devastated my life, that of my family in Italy and here, the oldest of my children is my son who was 6 y/o at that time.
The insult added to my injury is my wife falling in love with my former physiatrist in Santa Barbara; I hope her reasons were for desperation and survival instinct.
My two young children are told by their mother that her lover is a “father figure”. They are very confused because they still see and love me as their real father while they are forced to replace me with someone who will always have plenty of TBI victims that never get better and prove him right and successful in his world, a truly unethical individual.
I was told of the possibility that this individual is available to my (now ex) wife because being a doctor has the instinct to help those in need. What shocks and infuriates me is that it is common knowledge that TBI victims can improve with family help, all I have been doing for years is suffer for jealousy and not being able to educate my children directly.

This insult hurts much more than my injury itself because is irreparable, I am now divorced with the goal to take care of my children, who are victims like me.

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