
Friday, December 07, 2012


The last scientific discovery stated the following: French and U.S. researchers assert that the huge stones used by the Pharaohs to build the pyramids are just clay that has been heated at high temperatures.

Will the pyramids that we know as one of the Seven Wonders survive in the world? Did scientists find an answer to the puzzle of how the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt? Are some people still believe that the Jinn are the builders of these pyramids? Is it possible to believe that creatures from outer space built the pyramids of Egypt? ...

These speculations filled the world and lasted for several centuries, but the new discovery made by scientists from France and America will change the scientists‘ look forever. It will also give a simple scientific explanation to the mystery of building the pyramids, but more odd is that this mystery has been in the Qur’an fourteen centuries ago!!!

It was believed that the pharaohs have carved the stones but the question here is: How come all the stones are so identical that you cannot find a distance between one stone and another? And where are the equipments and chisels that were used in carving those stones? Until now, they have not been found? This discovery confirms that the scientists were wrong when they thought that the pyramids were built of stones. The nearest answer to logic and truth is to say that the civilization of the pharaohs was built on the clay!

Electronic microscope was used to analyze samples of the pyramids stones. The result was closer to the opinion of Prof. Davidovits and the quartz crystals appeared clearly as a result of heating the mud. He stated that we don‘t have in the nature like these stones which his confirms they were made by the Pharaohs. The analysis by Mini E scale indicated the presence of silicon dioxide too. This is another proof that the stones are not natural.

Dozens of researchers confirm that clay is the building material of the pyramids, and these buildings are the highest buildings, known from ancient history to the modern era. All these facts confirm that the Quran verse is true and consistent with science and one of the verses of the scientific miracles.

While the pyramids in Egypt have represented a real mystery to humanity for thousands of years I really hope that my brain injury and continued capacity to think, teach and manage my money won’t remain to be a mystery for that long and that the miracle of free knowledge and understanding will be given to the doctors who tested me and castrated my desire to have my own cash in my own bank account.

Certainly the human brain is way more complex than a pyramid, but with the freedom to think with your own mind and without external influences, no mystery can last as long as the one of the pyramids and I hope to be allowed to have my money within few months, or before the collapse of Europe’s economy.

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