
Friday, March 02, 2012


I’m just back from a beautiful hospital where I had the surgical removal of the heterotopic ossification (muscle turned into bone) that my injured brain made happen about one year after the accident. I was convinced that the spasticity is a physical barrier that impedes the movement of the limbs and the ossification is a tougher barrier in the muscles movement, so I went into this surgery full of great hopes and much optimism, the surgeon who took away my ossification is very experienced in these types of surgery, he told me that he started doing them when specializing in sport surgery in PA 30 years ago and he has done hundreds of these types of surgery. I had been told that I would risk the drop of the shoulder or even that the ossification could happen again, but talking with this experienced surgeon and other important doctors in this field I learned that this ossification can happen only in the first 18 months after the TBI and the dropped shoulder is impossible because even if several tendons need to be detached from the bone the spasticity has kept the muscles in tension, so with tone. What’s however important is to begin very soon rehab with special equipment and I consider myself lucky because the local college has a course for disabled people with very new and sophisticated machine special for disabled people of many different kinds. In addition I have a gym where I live that I can use any time I want for as long as needed and I know already of 2 other places that specialize in rehab of injured people.
So in short next week I start with daily physical activity like I’ve always done in my life before the accident and I’m convinced that I’ll lose the extra weight accumulated in so many years of sitting on a wheelchair doing nothing but eating.

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