Or, in
English: “Religion is the opium of the people”. So today I’m going to say some
blasphemies regarding thoughts that I’ve developed very recently (probably TBI related). This is all from my own guts. This
is what Marx meant with the use of religions. In order for it to do so, it must
engage in self-critique. Marx wrote that “The premise of all criticism is the
criticism of religion.”
critics have accused Marxism of being a secular religion a secularization of
Judeo-Christian Messianism.
1. I’ve been saying for years here to
have no memory whatsoever to have met with Jesus Christ when in the coma, well
then where does my very new (to me)
“spirituality” come from?
2. Why is it that almost every morning
I wake up with a very clear idea in my mind of things about to happen at very
different levels – from personal to “worldwide” - that often end up happening
for real, no matter how good or bad?
3. Every morning I wake up too with the
dream I just had, that either predicts something in the near future or clearly
explains something that was unclear or was a question I had in mind the da/night
4. I
also developed the idea that Jesus was NOT the
incarnation of a God creator, but very simply a boy who – due to some Darwinian
irregularity (just
like monkeys developing into us, the men we are today) was born with a very powerful
brain like we too will have sometime in the future (which explains why some
are guessing that Jesus was a time traveler who came from the future).
5. On this line I say that Jesus was
very popular with women who simply adored him, in fact Jesus and had sex with
plenty women, the story of Mary Magdalene, in fact may be true and I recently discovered
that the “virgin” Mary (virgin because unaware
of the violence of the rest of the world) had other kids after Jesus, those kids were
born just like every other “normal kid”….otherwise there would be a lineage of
Bach (the composer), Einstein, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Napoleon,
Galileo-Galilei, Darwin, Beethoven and on and on and on….
6. Also about the Virgin Mary, how is
it that nobody knows the number of other kids she gave birth to after Jesus (many) and why weren’t they all the
incarnation of our God creator?
Now, let me
say that the Nicias consul not only pretty much destroyed all that was factual
and objective truth about Jesus, who tried to teach to Jewish people,
who – since at least 2.500 years – all believe to be “children of God”.
Well, the Nicias
consul was organized by the Roman emperor Constantine
I who not only was part of it, but he created from there the Vatican Empire
I’ve been saying for several months here), the carbon copy of the Roman Empire itself.
Christ and Christianity have been the creation of the biggest and most
powerful empire earth ever saw (the Roman Empire) which not only gave birth to Catholicism, but to gave to the entire
“western culture”, what we call today "occidental".
All the
culture, art, sciences, scientists and artists come from this Empire, just like
the “faith in Jesus Christ” who was “used” or utilized by the Romans simply because
every country conquered and put under their control, was much less rebellious when
turned to Christianity, therefore costing to the empire much less in money and in
lives for wars to control and subdue them.
As for the
various miracles that Jesus did, most of them can be “rather easily” explained with
his superior brain capacities, same for the “famous” holy shroud, that’s just a medieval product, it’s because
every scientist who ever had it to study and test it, very likely was either of
Catholic faith or very influenced by it (or by the Vatican E.), just think to the double slit experiment…
Whatever you expect the result of your experiment to be – regardless how
precise and sophisticated is the equipment used – the results are always
what you (the
observer) expect.
physics has been telling us that “in a
way”, we are the real creators of this universe, and – just wait and see –
in few more years we’ll “discover”
the parallel ones too and you know what? There will be “aliens” in these “parallel universes” but
the entire world will relax, because these “aliens” will simply be who we are….maybe ahead or behind in our
evolutionary stage, but certainly NOT of other
species (with
tails or gills).
Of course
this all comes from a brain injured guy – me - I lost my (still now) beloved wife and I’m still here (alive) for the love (strongest power in this
universe) I have for
my two children in addition to the additional loss of my (constitutionally protected..…I
was hoping) personal
and financial freedom, thanks to the very
improper and ignorant application of old and inadequate neuropsychological
assessments and to their related “conservatorship laws” (hahahahaha).
As I had hypothesized
in a post of the past, we are all still monkeys – whenever we see something weird or unexplainable to say that “it must be an
act of God” is almost an automatic
and instinctual reaction. How different is this from the real monkey that -
seeing a truck driving on the same path normally used to go somewhere for
something – goes up the closest tree screaming? If the monkey could speak
wouldn’t we hear the monkey scream “it’s an act of God”?
All I’m
saying here is that we already are in the second millennium (beginning), but we know less than nothing
about where we come from, who we are, how our bodies with their organs
work (especially
our brains) but
some have convinced ourselves that by asking to some disabled individual (like me) to resolve (out of the blue and without
pen and paper)
elementary equations extremely challenging to resolve (given the just
described conditions)
cannot live a normal life anymore.
I’d say
that both Jesus and my friend Iacopo the philosopher, are fully correct in
saying that “the day people will know what their after-death will be like,
the ENTIRE WORLD will change overnight”…..too
bad that nobody cares...
Finally I
feel like adding that – based on my extensive conversations and studies
about quantum sciences – when we
die the electrical charges that our brain
utilized while we were living our lives will simply detach (come off) from the “meat that’s the organ brain”,
therefore giving freedom to our intelligence, culture, experience and logic to
not only see our entire lives “just like in a movie” (as it’s been said for
ages), so it’s not
like all of a sudden you receive what some call “universal intelligence”
or cumulative.
It’s simply
our own intelligence in our brain that since it isn’t occupied by the trillions
of other activities any human brain must take care of every minute while living,
can pinpoint each and every time when you hurt someone else in any way
shape or form, living your life.
My list of
those who did hurt me – by taking advantage of all I did in my entire honest
and challenging work life, after I got disabled (defenseless) is way too long to make (let me just mention my
ex-wife and my sister with her husband), I just want to give the basic rule to follow
in order to predict the way our souls will judge our lives (we will judge ourselves):
Gravity is
a very important factor, i.e. if the “good” done is “lighter” than the “bad”,
chances are that your entire soul will be “lighter” so, closer to the “infinite pleasure”
of the Universal Consciousness (NOT
our human soul).
Also don’t
forget that we are eternal individuals/souls, so, we keep coming back here on
earth to live a full new life (as Christians and many other religions say at least since the written
documents/walls from the Egyptians of 5,000 years ago) which is going to be heavily
affected by the life we just lived, regardless that we may have any memory
of it.
- https://www.quora.com/Why-does-Marx-say-that-the-critique-of-religion-is-the-beginning-of-all-criticism
- http://www.oodegr.com/english/koinwnia/politika/opio1.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_of_the_people
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