
Sunday, February 11, 2018


My readers shall know of my old passion for genetics, the ancient Roman Empire and the very new passion for quantum sciences (physics and mechanic).
My dearest son has been living in a pretty rocky and uneasy period in his life and I’ve been telling to him that he shouldn’t ever feel low or strength less simply because he’s a pure blood Lingiardi.
However I don’t see his chest inflate and come out forward when I assure him of this, so as I think of how he’s been approaching the difficulties he’s been forced to face I decided than rather than bring out the blood line from our family, I’m going to bring out his having real Italian genetic imprinting that’s something to be very proud of.
In fact, I’m going to post below (few) links to websites that say that the Roman Empire dominated this entire world for about 1.000 years, so in his soul, genes and very core of his being his truly a descendant of a gladiator or Roman soldier – the most powerful army this world has ever seen.
Aside from the fact that the Roman language – Latin – was like English is today the Roman influence on architecture, government, town plan metrics, hydraulic planning and army organization with battle planning.
Basically the influence of this empire has influenced and built the way we do and think of all types of matters today, in Italy in fact it’s very common for people – of any cultural and economic level – to pronounce in Latin quotes used by Roman emperors when in key points of history or used by people on the streets every day.
I’m really hoping that when my son will read this post and go to the websites I linked he’ll become proud of his true nature and realize that his way to approach the difficulties that life brings to him is unique, not only because he’s a real and true Lingiardi, but very much more because he’s a descendant of a legionary in the mightiest army of the ancient world.

If you can remember and feel what you are made out of and where you come from, any and all difficulties your life will present to you will never have you even lift a finger to overcome. Please son learn from me by example the right way to face the bad times and never forget that as your true dad I'll always be supporting and helping you, no matter what.


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