
Monday, March 21, 2016


The daily life we perceive with our 5 senses is not reality; quantum physics has shown that space and time are illusions of perceptions; therefore our bodies can’t truly be reality if they occupy the space, it’s been scientifically demonstrated that the “inside of an atom” is only empty space, but how can an empty atom possibly make the solid world around us?
Our true consciousness doesn’t exist in our brain or in our bodies, the disillusion of our individual bodies, along with the misinformation of our true origins has created the idea that we all think independently from one another.
With this misunderstanding it would seem impossible to scientifically explain, telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums and other phenomenon dealing with transferring information between sources without physical means of communication, but when you understand that there’s a common spiritual bond between all things in the universe and that we are all part of a divine intelligence, no phenomena is unexplainable.
This simple understanding fills all the holes in modern religion; it explains reincarnation, Deja-vu predictions of the future and literally every experience or anomaly ever experienced.
The blank matter is within every building blocks of perceivable experience, it’s malleable and molded by intent, and this means that consciousness shapes our reality and this seems difficult to accept for most and it’s quite understandable.
In modern times we are taught from an early age to think rationally and tangibly, this is a very left brain method of education and it has more harmful effects than it’s given credit for.
The left brain deals with feelings, logic, details, paths, patterns, practicality, science and math, as the right brain deals with feelings, intuition, symbols, images, risk taking, philosophy and religion.
With a deliberate push for government controlled education curriculum, generation after generation of our youth are taught to focus only on the facts, figures and numbers, repetition is used to train children subconsciously to accept what they are learning, children aren’t rewarded for questioning the validity of the information they receive, they are ridiculed.
However, the children who blindly accept the information as true and merely regurgitate the information on command, when it is time to take a test, those children go on to become the decision maker in our government, law, medicine and business and every other occupation with power and prestige.
The most detrimental effect of being pushed away from holistic thinking with a full brain is what is known as the suppression of the feminine, every male and female have both feminine and masculine qualities, this has nothing to do with a man or a woman.
These are representative of the left and right brain or the Jing and Jang, light and dark, left and right as well as every other duality, both are vital to our spiritual and physical health.
In ancient Egypt the female was the rightful heir to the throne, the male she chose to marry became pharaoh, this depicted the goddess tradition that has been destroyed to make way for a patriarchal male dominated society that we see in every major denomination.
It’s impressingly feminine in every society in pushing the people in left brain thinking, the natural ability for people to feel earthly, cosmic and personal energy became lost, traditions that were passed through sciamani, witch doctors and magicians of all kinds became outlawed and ridiculed and given the stigma of something out of a Hollywood movie.
Every religion explains that we are children of God and we have godliness inside of us. If you are raised to anthropomorphormizes God and understand that God is nothing more than the spiritual web that connects things, all religious scriptures begin to make much more sense.
Our bodies are merely vessels that contain our spirits to gather experience for the divine mind.

This is where the new string theory comes in with its superlative method to explain everything and all we are, God and what we see or experience around ourselves, this theory basically explains that there are just two feelings that create our reality and that they are like waves, love (rapid frequency and short wave length) and fear (low frequency and long wave length

This is how evolution is possible; it’s scientifically proven that all species are evolving into more complex beings, it isn’t knowledge or racial memory, it’s the understanding that all newborns of all kinds are born with traits and knowledge that the mother doesn’t have to teach, and regardless that this is a topic uneasy for my treasures to grasp now, I post it anyway because I want it to be part of the inheritance I leave behind to them, and - of course - this documentary receives both my thumbs up to be enjoyed and discussed with your best friends drinking mineral water to facilitate the transit of oxygenated blood through your brain, you best be well awake and use your full intelligence and logic to fully understand and enjoy this true work of art predicting the future of  human kind.


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