
Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Since so many of you readers, keep asking me to clarify what I say about my near-death experience, now I write here what I call my 4th hypothesis, to say that there is confusion of terms between God and our creator that Jesus called:
· Father (to make himself understood by Palestinian herders 2,000 years ago)
· Jehovah (as I posted here before)
Then, since the Bible says that He (Jehovah) created us men in his image and likeness", He became man in Jesus.
I’m convinced that our creator (Jehovah or Jesus) has given us the human brain that’s the most powerful and unknown organ in the entire world (think that only now we're trying to make a computerized map to at least understand what it looks like). The only real sin is when you harm others (even if only in words, no the need to kill somebody) and then after death we pass into another dimension as a soul.
It’s as souls that we decide – by ourselves - whether we should punish ourselves or go to heaven. God isn’t part of this, it’s simply us, on our own who give the “final judgment” by watching our own lives - from birth to death - that, given the universal intelligence that we develop after we die (that’s nothing else than no longer having any distraction given by the 5 senses or by the daily bombardment of information from around the world) and will make us either regret forever and live again everything bad that we did to others, anything bad experienced while living, perhaps just for a limited period of time (decided by ourselves, or in purgatory for as Dante calls it) or rejoice and be happy (in paradise) for all eternity (that’s the forever or the NOW).
Basically, after you die everything we see, think and do is nothing more than the mental projection of what we have seen, done and thought / imagined while we were living, then I’ve also asked these questions (to which also answer):

· What about stillbirths or miscarriages or abortions, what do they do as souls?
They go in limbo – says my mother - that in my opinion it’s where the genetics give the greatest contribution, (i.e. genes from the parents with all of their characteristics, learnings and memories) that’s to “create an environment” that - although it isn’t created from personal experience, it consists of the genetic memories from the parents.
· What happens to those who believe that the soul cannot exist?
Well, for those who don’t believe in anything that’s where they’ll end up, in the infinite nothing, but great experts in this matter told me that very possibly those souls are saved from those who loved them (but only by those who are in heaven already).
Then I can also respond to what I was told about the fact that I had said to have agreed with Jesus to survive my accident (otherwise surely mortal) was just for the fact that I grew up with a Catholic education in the country where the Vatican is, so don’t want to say anything, but I have to agree with with the one who had told me this, in fact after you die (as I had said before) what’s experienced is nothing more than the mental (conscious) projection of all that it was done, he learned and experienced while living, so even here this thinking is correct. In a nutshell I repeat that all the various assumptions made by philosophers or theologians are very Catholic too, and it’s simple to say that the existence of God is to believe (even Einstein believed it) so I remain convinced that the atheistic position is simply based on the incorrect use of names (God, soul and eternity).
How can anyone believe that our creator might care when you course His name?
Never forget what happened to the Italian government minister Aldo Moro who passed the law against blasphemy in Italy? Rest assured that it wasn’t God that punished him; it was his own soul (or conscience) that decided to "take care" of this, think about what happened to that man.
So saying God is referring to ourselves, our creator (that Jesus called Jehovah) is the superior being who created us (or gravity) which isn’t certainly worried in the least about what we do or think to do, even Einstein said that a supreme creator must have existed before the Big Bang (currently being studied and researched by the most brilliant quantum physicists).


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