
Friday, November 20, 2015


On Wednesday I’m going to see my psychologist, very near me at the Villa and – aside from the fact that he’s become like a good friend to me – I have no idea about the reason why I should spend any money to make friends.
In fact – aside from the fact that both my experience in life, intelligence with culture are way superior than his – the only way I can recover all my anger and frustrations – might be if the mother of my 2 treasures could change her mind about me living away from my family.
Well every time I meet my friend psychologist we talk about movies that either we’ve watched or that they are good enough to watch, in fact last Wednesday I mentioned the Zeitgeist movie trilogy that I’m going to loan to him this coming Wednesday, I couldn’t find its chapter one that’s all about the fraud of Jesus, I’m hoping that by watching the (long) movie you too will realize very soon that while there truly might have existed other people who were born from a virgin, died and resurrected 3 days later, no mention is made of the Holy Shroud, that in my (injured) mind represents the proof of the supernatural man named Jesus Christ.
Aside from all of this, I’d like to ask if anyone can give any example of a man who not only died and resurrected 3 days later (just like plenty others....according to Zeigeist) who had such a great followership that created the Catholic religion with the Vatican monarchy that have been followed by billions of people over the centuries.
I spoke already little about the bible and of the fact that it’s been found written on scrolls centuries before monks began to copy it on books making the bible we can read today (if we want).
If the viewer keeps watching it, the movie talks about the 9/11 and the financial crisis we’ve been suffering for (too) many years and in doing it some valid explanations are offered, that while they may be coming “out of the blue” do offer an alternative way to look at very contemporary issues that remain fully unresolved in our minds, so if you still haven’t watched it, I suggest to watch at least the first one (the movie) and if interested go for the other 2 (Addendum, Moving forward).
Besides posting here the trailer and very few links, I put also the link to the Youtube full first movie.

Full (long) movie


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