
Friday, May 10, 2013


MIDWAY upon the journey of our life

I found myself within a forest dark,

For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

Ah me! How hard a thing it is to say

What was this forest savage, rough, and stern?

Which in the very thought renews the fear.

This is the way my most beloved Italian poet/writer started the narration of his trip through the afterworld and he did such a great job – even if he always claimed to have just written down stories and fables from the street peasants – that the Italian language he had used to write his “comedy” became the very Italian language still spoken today in my mother country and forms its grammar and literary rules still today, or about 700 years later.

What Dante meant by saying “midway upon the journey of life” used to mean to be about in your 40ies because that’s how long people were living in the XIII century, but with the improvement of both the living conditions and of the guess-science that “midway” has moved to 50 or my age today.

I can also say for direct experience that the after death does really exist, because when I came out of the coma I’m told that I immediately recounted having made an agreement with God’s son, Jesus whom I asked to come back to living earth for the love I have for my treasures/children – even if I was told that it would be painful – I find it funny that I had imagined that nothing couldn’t be taken care by taking some Tylenol, I do know now that my pain can’t be reduced even by taking morphine, I always have it an no guess-scientist has any idea on how to at least reduce it.

However what counts is that even if I’m in atrocious pain all the time, not a minute doesn’t go by without me thanking God to be here to see my children and take care of them, even if I’m limited in doing this by their mother, who chose to live with my doctor in a nearby town.

Now that I’m back here for about 50 more years it’s my duty to prove to the world with my example that a medication exists that by reducing the neuroinflammation, plasticity can start again to re-wire our brain when injured, so that we can put an end to what I call the epidemic of this new millennium and allow experienced professionals to rejoin the wealth producing machine of the (still) leading country in this world, U.S.A.

I know that regardless the ignorance, skepticism and even fear of those who have power on me I’ll receive the help of God in my crusade to fully recover and plenty other people will recover from their “impossible injury to heal”.

As I wrote here before do not pray for me and for this to become reality, simply concentrate and focus your thoughts on what you wish and this miracle will happen.

Good thoughts to everyone who reads me here!