
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


After my accident did an MRI test on me on the 17th of October ’05 and since the hospital that did it is part of the same hospital network I requested this test at the one in Santa Barbara on CD for computer visualization and I received 2 MRI’s 

and 9 CT brain scans so I sent a copy of this CD to the specialist doctor both in nuclear medicine and HBOT who is going to use them to understand my SPECT scans done one year from each other.
This is the medical prove that will tell beyond any doubt if my brain injury can heal thanks to the presence of oxygen or if my brain is too injured to benefit from the creation of perfect condition to heal. What the doctor will tell me when looking at these tests will dramatically influence what I’m going to do going forward in life since my belief in HBOT has sacrificed relationships and use of money.
Of course since in my life I’ve always been right my mind is secure to have been correct so I’m not ready of what to do in the negative case. This brain MRI here isn’t mine, I’m unable to take a picture of mine from the disk I’ve been given so this is just an example.