Earlier I received the CD with the SPECT scan that I’ve done at dr. Uszler office and I put here the two that are easiest to understand for me even if the one where my brain is all gray was done in an hospital near where I live months before the one in color, they show the extent and position of the injury while the colors identify where my brain is over - under reactive or dead, for someone who understand how to look at these kinds of scans the size and gravity of my injury are very evident and this doctor made me understand that brain plasticity and oxygen therapy can work together to take over what’s dead. My biggest learning of talking with the doctor is that if I could have done this test many months ago it would have been clear that doing 40 sessions of HBOT is just the beginning of what also dr. Harch called “long journey” without ever having even seen me in person.
So now the focus is on doing more HBOT breathing pure oxygen at 1.5ATA which is what I haven’t been able to do in months.
Dr. Uszler suggested the use of even higher pressures, he mentioned 1.7, 1.8 but having learned from when I did ten sessions at 1.75 that my sight suffered in width, I prefer to stay within the standard 1.5.
One of the red parts of my brain says that my anxiety is very high and I commented to the doctor that it’s due to my divorce and complete lack of support from my wife. He told me that he had to live through this same experience so he knows why I say that.