
Saturday, June 09, 2018


There probably are several dozens of movies, hundreds of books (beginning with the bible) that have their explanation of the reason why we exist and how + from what/where we humans came from, I put here one of the best scenes of one of my favorite movies (2001 a space odyssey) where one monkey is “influenced” to open the mind to utilize the bone of a dead animal as a weapon, or tool to get superiority versus other monkey groups (or families), the movie goes on to bring us to manage inter-stellar travel with our transplantation to other planets BUT this good movie too ends with the representation (or need) of a God creator, via the image of a fetus looking at our planet earth from outer space.
It’s my personal N.D.E. driven belief that this is most probably the way we humans started our evolution – however without the intervention of the black rectangular communication device from some other civilization.
In fact I believe that we humans developed from monkey pretty much in the same way shown in that movie, but taking into consideration that it took several hundreds of thousands of years for a monkey to make the connection between bone and tool, I’m not very surprised that it happened in that way – given how long it took. I know that today there are the creationists and the Darwinians arguing against each other and while I was a very convinced creationist, I must declare that I’ve become a 100% Darwinian for the rather simple reason that as well as a monkey started to walk upright and use tools to do what can make life easier and more comfortable (efficient), that well evolution (by itself) had the first cell here on earth duplicate, form a living being and continued to evolve until it became us, no need of any god or creation whatsoever.
In fact I’ve become convinced that “this need to have a god creator” is something deeply ingrained in our (human) brains that must have formed several millions of years ago and that’s truly impossible to eliminate or control in any rational way.
It’s become my belief that as well as a monkey few millions of years ago started to walk upright and use tools that well it was Jesus Christ that by an evolutionary jump was born with the brain that we’ll all have in few more thousands of years (that in scale with the evolution timing is like saying tomorrow morning).
Why is it so incredible that Jesus would refer to his father as the creator of the universe? Hasn’t any Jew referred to the creator as “the father” since ever? And wasn’t Jesus Christ a Jew too, who was giving sermons, establish laws and take care of the needy like any other Jewish high priest of his times? Jesus created the catholic religion NOT because he was god’s son, neither because his brain was like the brain we all will have in the future, it’s simply because Jesus talked about peace and non-violence, with the respect to others – in a time when disagreements between people were resolved with a sword – it simply was that the most powerful and influential empire we ever had here on earth (Roman Empire) used Jesus and his preaching (suggestions)  to keep people in its very large empire quiet and non-rebellious.
This is why the Catholic religion started and with it the Vatican (empire) that’s been representing and keeping intact the belief in Jesus for 2K years.
Based on the above I’m hoping that you can understand the reason why some are saying that Jesus was a time traveler who came from the future and why Stephen Hawking is saying that our universe could only form itself with the appearance of gravity.
I want to share with my readers that my two main subjects of study and research are now the force of gravity (NOT introduced by some god creator) and the concept of time (that, according to Einstein really doesn’t exist).
To close this (hopefully not blasphemous) post, I have 2 questions for my catholic readers:
1.     What would any father of a young girl would say or do if your daughter comes home and tells you that she’s pregnant because of some “angel of god” did it (BEST for me not to even mention…grrrhhh…)?
2.    Is there anyone who can explain how 2.000 years ago some pastors in a lost manger near Bethlehem could be aware of a woman giving birth without breaking the allantoidal membrane?
In hope not to have upset anyone, I’m hoping to have made it very clear that as well as the universe we see and study is the product of our minds, which well Jesus and the catholic religion don’t owe anything to any “god creator”.

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