
Sunday, November 13, 2016


My survival and encounter with Jesus Christ, together with my agreement, has put me in the singularity field, that like I’ve always done in my life, puts me in the position of taking advantage of it.
I cannot put yet here the pictures of the X-rays that were done to my left leg, but believe me when I say that they are horrific!! – a metal plate on the exterior part of my left knee fixed in place with 4 screws, a steel bar along my entire femur, kept in place by few screws and 4 horrendous steel screws (about 6 inches long each) to keep in place the femur head to the back, I wonder what will happen when I’ll go through a metal detector like the ones in the airports….,.
Anyway, I put here an inspiring piece of the Matrix movie where a young boy explains how using the power of the brain to bend a spoon.

Based on this I decided that the superior strength of my mind (regardless that it’s injured) I’m soon going to make all of the metal in my leg be removed, since there’s going to be no more need to keep it in.
I know too that the meaning of singularity is very new and current; therefore I put here few links to sites that explain it better than I can do.


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