
Wednesday, January 09, 2019


Straight from the Double. Slit Exp., where it’s very well explained and described the function of waves in all that concerns our reality and how it affects it I simply want to add the idea of how everything in this universe vibrates at different frequencies, therefore giving reality even to matter (which composes everything we see and touch in the entire universe, we see), so now please follow this poor brain injured idiot.
Atoms are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things are appear as a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound is also a vibration and so are thoughts. Everything that manifests itself in your life is there because it matches the vibration from your thoughts.
We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. ... The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy.
Whatever you desire, you can achieve it using Mind Power. All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy; even your thoughts are vibrations of energy. While it sounds like a concept or theory, this is a new reality that quantum physics has revealed to us. .
High vibrations are generally associated with positive qualities and feelings, such as love, forgiveness, compassion and peace. On the other hand, low vibrations are associated with darker qualities such as hatred ( I a piece of solid granite!).
A sound wave is a transfer of energy as it travels away from a vibrating source. Sound waves are formed when a vibrating object causes the surrounding medium to vibrate. A medium is a material (solid, liquid or gas) which a wave travels through. ... A sound's volume, how loud or soft it is, depends on the sound wave. 
There are 8 ways to raise your vibration.
1. Become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. ...
2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. ...
3. Be conscious of the foods you eat. ...
4. Drink water. ...
5. Meditate. ...
6. Be grateful. ...
7. Practice acts of kindness. ...
8. Get your blood pumping.

I’m going to refrain from saying what my comments for each and every of these 8 points spell out to me!  Vibration refers to the general energy or presence of something, in a spiritual sense. It can be the energy or presence of a person, or a place, or other things.
By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. However, in recent years, an indirect method has been proposed which appears to increase the resonant frequency to approximately 10 Hz.
A sound wave is a transfer of energy as it travels away from a vibrating source. Sound waves are formed when a vibrating object causes the surrounding medium to vibrate. A medium is a material (solid, liquid or gas) which a wave travels through. ... A sound's volume, how loud or soft it is, depends on the sound wave.
Vibration refers to the general energy or presence of something, in a spiritual sense. It can be the energy or presence of a person, or a place, or other things. Higher vibration is more spiritual, more advanced and more God-like than lower.
You have a thought – your brain says a sentence to itself. That thought produces a feeling – a sensation in your body. All feelings are caused by thoughts. And all thoughts produce a feeling.
Using Music to Raise Your Vibration. Music can raise your vibration to the highest frequency. Whether you want to increase your energy level, lift you out of sadness, or help you have an amazing breakthrough, music can open your heart and soul, helping you to achieve a profound state of joy.
Sound waves are formed when a vibrating object causes the surrounding medium to vibrate. A medium is a material (solid, liquid or gas) which a wave travels through. As sound waves move through a medium the particles vibrate forwards and backwards.
We, humans give off radiation. Humans give off mostly infrared radiation, which is electromagnetic radiation with a frequency lower than visible light. This effect is not unique to humans. All objects with a non-zero temperature give off thermal radiation.
Whatever you desire, you can achieve it using Mind Power. All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy; even your thoughts are vibrations of energy. While it sounds like a concept or theory, this is a new reality that quantum physics has revealed to us.
The difference between thoughts and feelings are that thoughts are created by impressions we have and feelings are a result of the thoughts. ... Our thoughts could change about a given situation, creating a different feeling. For example, when growing up my family could have been afraid and distrustful of dogs.
All objects, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic radiation. The wavelength of radiation emitted depends on the temperature of the objects. Such radiation is sometimes called thermal radiation. Most of the radiation emitted by human body is in the infrared region, mainly at the wavelength of 12 micron.
The human brain also emits waves, like when a person focuses her attention or remembers something. This activity fires thousands of neurons simultaneously at the same frequency generating a wave — but at a rate closer to 10 to 100 cycles per second.
Brain waves can be used to detect potentially harmful personal information. ... However, those brain waves can tell more about a person than just his or her identity, warns this expert. Several research groups have recently showcased systems that use EEG to authenticate users with very high accuracy.
All objects, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic radiation. The wavelength of radiation emitted depends on the temperature of the objects. Such radiation is sometimes called thermal radiation. Most of the radiation emitted by human body is in the infrared region, mainly at the wavelength of 12 micron.
Humans do not generate much power. Think about a person who consumes 2000 calories in a day. Every calorie from food (kCal) is equal to 4200 joules of energy. Used over the course of a day (86,400 seconds), this person uses an average of 97.2 joules a second, meaning they have an average power of 97.2 watts.
Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain (our real dynamo), making it possible for us to move, think and feel.
The "electrical pulse" that "is sent between brain and nerves" is called an Action Potential (AP). This is then propagated along a nerve fiber until the target organ. ... Dendrites receive signals from other cells and they convey signals towards the cell body by creating small electrical currents.
Muscles move on commands from the brain. Single nerve cells in the spinal cord, called motor neurons, are the only way the brain connects to muscles. When a motor neuron inside the spinal cord fires, an impulse goes out from it to the muscles on a long, very thin extension of that single cell called an axon.
Just like other cells in the body, brain cells use a form of sugar called glucose to fuel cellular activities. This energy comes from the foods we consume daily and is regularly delivered to brain cells (called neurons) through the blood.
Our brains possess the ability to metabolize glucose and ketones for energy. Glucose is our brain's main fuel source, unless restricted, which leads to ketones becoming the preferred fuel source.

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