
Sunday, February 04, 2018


This guy is so afraid of the entire world – that he offended and continues to offend – that he’s decided to eliminate 4 letters from his own name plus has had the local police dept. issue an order for my hero son to never get closer than 100 feet to him and surely has a sleep totally polluted by horrible nightmares.
I hope that you – my readers – have understood that I’ve formulated the hypothesis that when we think or pronounce the name God, we simply refer to ourselves.
In my never-ending browsing the internet I found people who are convinced that Jesus Christ was someone from the future who traveled back in time to explore the world of 2.000 years ago (for us now) and show what man will do when the brain will have reached a higher level of development.
This actually makes me think that my hypothesis about men being God isn’t too unreal at all, is that it’s sufficient to read the Bible, the Ten Commandments and look at the lives of the saints of the past, to have it very clear in mind, that while certainly there’s a creator (Jehovah?) of this earth and our universe, God is simply composed by mankind…….us, in particular now that the double slit experiment and quantum physics are scientifically demonstrating that all we see, measure and study (including this and the parallel universes) are products of our mind.
The fact that B. - with his God – is afraid to the point that he’s been trying to build protective walls around himself, makes me smile because his only concern should be only about his soul once he’ll die (I bet due to brain cancer or tumor), this is the very reason I gave to my wonderful and very beloved son to stop thinking to the way to terminate this B., he’s going to be forced to repay what he owes to mankind and to himself forever, so why the heck would anyone want to get in trouble with the earthly law?
It truly would be a great satisfaction to hurt him so bad to end his living, but since his own God will take care of his wrongs forever, what’s the point to terminate the sad life of such smelly piece of rotten shit?
Then if you add that it’s going to be his own mind strength that will not only grow his deadly cancer, have his new “family” melt in shame like water in the sun (no room to predict all the wrongs he’ll have to live through).
The very fact that B. dared to insert his cock where he shouldn’t ever dream to insert it will give him eternity to serve the sentence his own soul will assess it appropriate for what he did while living.
It’s true that I don’t understand the why Jesus didn’t make people aware that the afterlife is real and be aware that things may not be very pleasant after someone dies” this is the case where I say that my philosopher friend Iacopo is totally correct when he states that when everyone in the entire world will become aware of what will surely happen to the next individual after the re-birth, this world will change overnight. No more crimes or homicides and every war will stop to never start again (go to my 10 commandments post). Some other time maybe I'll be posting about the cheater too (maybe with pictures).


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