
Tuesday, February 28, 2017


It’s taken me little time to watch again the entire quadrilogy of the Matrix, however – as this first video shows very well - I learned that I’m not the only one who ever imagined the afterlife being a projection of what’s in our conscience, I mean I’m certainly not a genius or someone with superior abilities, it’s simply what both the quantum science (and Iacopo) have been talking about (and demonstrating, in the quantum physics case).
This quadrilogy touches on several issues that are related to what we know today of afterlife and parallel universes, it does this in a very impressive cinematographic way with unbelievable special effects.
In simple words, these movies are a great way to spend time to watch them, not only because fun to watch, but very much too because they introduce different ideas that are now at the center of attention of the most advanced scientific research, so spend some time in the websites I put here because they are the result of my careful selection and even if you can find dozens of others, I believe that these are worth looking at.
The idea that few years ago already my afterlife/judgement/punishment ideas were so clear to make several movies about them that I truly cannot even guess what the reason might be for conservators to be such, I now have one who may steal up to $10.000 each month to sustain his own family, what upsets me is that when I was his age I was earning about 20% more and at the time of my accident my base salary was 220% more.
I mean, knowing what kind of eternal existence you are looking at, why do you want such a condemning job?
Then, forget about the neuropsychologists who condemn to conservatorship people who are much more intelligent and experienced than they are.
Again, do you truly believe that by having somebody put in some kind of order plastic squares with different drawings on their sides, you can truly tell that that person is too limited to be able to manage his own money (earned, not stolen).

For those – like the mother of my 2 treasures – who believe that death is the end of it all, I know that their soul will end up in eternal nothingness but for those who can imagine that our mind, conscience and personality will forever exist, I really have no words.





Sunday, February 26, 2017


Since all I can do all day, every day is to be playing with my monster PC, aside from studying the quantum theories, I’ve gotten attracted – from watching again a movie I had purchased years ago (The fight club)

 to street fighting done by people of any kind, therefore I’ve acquired 2 other DVD movies about street fights recorded live by cameras, therefore I put here their trailers, that unbelievably – to me – can be found on Youtube, please consider that I don’t enjoy looking at the people fighting with each other, mostly I’m impressed by older men beating the crap out of much younger and bigger guys, plus the soundtrack (black rapping music) is really involving and good. Anyway look at my latest addition to my always growing DVD movie collection. What watching these movies (quantum sciences too) made me think to the 4 Matrix movies about which I had in some way posted about here already in November of last year 

 and that I'm going to watch again soon and maybe talk about them in more details.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

(very long) VIDEO POST

I'm simply going to post here several (carefully chosen among the thousands) Youtubes that explain - according to the latest quantum theories (including the string theory) - all we see, think and do (as consequence) is the products of what our individual conscience contains - r it's made out of. This concept initially truly shook me up, inside but as I learn more of this I can see the reason why I spoke in the past of what happens after we die, how our lives will be judged and - depending on our personal judgement - what type of eternal existence (personal) we'll have.
Try to have few hours to watch these videos completely, understand them and put them in perspective with what you believe to be true in your life and - if you can - explore your own conscience, named for centuries the soul. As a good exercise try to replace the word gravity with God-creator (Jehovah).
P.S. the 2 videos with Michio Kaku deserve your full attention because he's my new point of reference in this field.

Friday, February 24, 2017


What I like most about this theory is that one scientist (I don’t remember his name) said that the string theories with their vibrations – like the strings of an instrument -  make music that goes all around our universe, I think that he called it “the music of God”.
What truly fascinates me is that with their study we’ll probably be able to figure out what the pre-big-bang era was like.
In simpler words it seems that the most advanced (quantum) scientific research is not only confirming what Jesus taught to us - by example –but it’s trying to find God too.……all of this makes me think to the atheists I know, I truly want to hear how they’ll try to justify the non-existence of an intelligent creator when it’ll be hard science with numbers and measurable experiments that will prove the real existence of our creator (Jehovah).This actually reminds me of the time when I had tried to put in touch the afterlife super-expert with my friend the incorruptible atheist Iacopo.
The super-expert refused to have an email dialog with someone who sustains the impossibility for a God creator to exist.
One email from the super-expert and one reply from Iacopo and that was it, the super-expert let me know of her refusal to “waste her time” talking with someone who lives on another planet (in another universe).
It’s truly going to be very interesting how – finally – this atheists vs believers fight – will be put to rest, or if it will go on, I suspect that any atheist will find out something else to go against the natural beliefs and expectations of humanity since its beginning (hundreds of thousands of years ago).
I hope you accept – as I did – that my blog has become something like a collection of internet (Google and Youtube) searches.
Therefore I promise that soon I’ll return to talk again of my TBI recovery and of the effort in my recovery struggle, totally misunderstood by all people who (still) have power over me, personally and over my financial wealth.

Long video, worth watching to the end:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I hope that you all know of my newly acquired passion for the quantum theories and of my new hypothesis that our creator (Jehovah, as per Jesus) is gravity (universal and omnipresent/potent) Since while I study these new concepts with the help of the internet, where you can find everything (and its opposite) I simply put here few self-explanatory Youtubes and very few links to websites I carefully chosen for this post i.e.
Let me add that one of these days my assessors are going to be obliged  (physically?) to explain to me what the right answers are to their tests where you must put in some order objects of different colors and shapes and show to me that they can make calculations in their minds as well as I can. Enjoy the videos and the websites I put here and - as a teaching exercise - replace the word gravity with creator (Jehovah) in all you hear and read. I put here a Youtube too that clarifies the concept of space and time as studied by Einstein, here too try to replace the word gravity with Jehovah (our God creator):


Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Kinda obvious! I think as I realize that we’ve always known of the fact that after we die our conscience (or soul) moves to another universe (or form of existence) that’s created by our conscience, that’s nothing more than what the micro-electric charges used by our brain to function have retained living life on earth. It makes me smile that it took 2K years to prove with math and science what the Christians have known from Jesus since He came here on earth.
Anyway, I had started to look for websites and Youtubes that talk about the untruthfulness of life after death, mainly because I was hoping to prove to the one I love that when you believe that death is the end of it all, that’s exactly what’s going to happen, given that the conscience ceases to exist with the interruption of the living activities of both body and brain.
I mean, if your conscience truly believes that there exists nothing at all after you die, how can it ever form an environment that’s the simple reflection (in good = heaven or bad = hell) of your life experiences.
But no matter how much and for how long I googled, all I could find are what I put here below, websites all dedicated to the science (quantum physics) that supports  what’s being labelled as “new discovery”……too bad that we Catholics have been known of this for just 2K years.
Not to mention that the ancient Egyptians had developed an entire culture about life after death, pharos were found in their toms with entire vessels to use for their navigation to reach the land of eternal existence, the fact that the Egyptians’ beliefs are so well known is because of the massive constructions and miles of paintings/writings that tell what happens after death.
I’m not going to go into the comparison between the religious beliefs of the Egyptians and the ones of the Greeks, Catholics, ancient Romans etc.… because that would take a whole post all by itself with several dozens of links to other websites, not to mention how much work it would take me to do something like that.

Therefore enjoy what I say and link here and be happy!

Friday, February 17, 2017


I must say that this is yet another post made out of Youtube videos that are about Robbie Naish, who was the reference point for every windsurfer like me in the lake of Garda, he actually came once to windsurf in the location where I was going with my several windsurfer friends and showed to all what a real windsurfing God he truly was, what I believe it interesting is that he's my same age, born on April 23th same day as my sister (2 years younger than both of us) but he still windsurfs as well as when he was 20, too bad that I couldn't even get on the board, without left arm and leg, however looking at the dozens of Youtubes available I feel like I'm back to those times again, take your time to have your guts revolted upside down and enjoy one unique sport that can only catch your heart with love for true adventure:
"My spot" in Garda lake, I windsurfed there for 15 years, but I was never as good as these windsurfers, Peler is the name of the very strong wind from North:

Friday, February 10, 2017


In thinking about all the bad that too many have been procuring to me since my survival, I got in somewhat of an argument with both real theologians and people of great Christian faith, I was convinced that when God (gravity) made himself man in Jesus Christ, I was convinced that the earthquake that destroyed Jerusalem (from which the wall of tears) and the holocaust were the way that our omnipotent creator was punishing the Jews for having killed him with crucifixion when here as  Jesus/man. But then I started to think to my older posts (i.e. Aldo Moro and my 4th hypothesis, here below)

 I remember having a lengthy email exchange with a person of great faith and very close to Jesus, who just reminded me that our God creator loves us like his own children and would never want to hurt us in any way (just like me for my 2 treasures).
I later realized that I had already kinda said that God is ourselves already and all the bad that happens to anyone while living – including the Jews – is the simple product of our own conscience that punishes us for whatever bad we are doing to someone else.
OK in the case of the holocaust for the Jews there was Hitler who did most of the work, I do however believe that Hitler was a real devil and that every Jew is now existing in a kind of afterlife that – even if not heaven – is certainly much better than being in a concentration camp.
This actually makes me wonder about the two conservators I’ve had because they both are religious and believe in the sanctity of Jesus, I cannot understand what their reason may be to condemn themselves and their families both while living and in the afterlife – that I’m sure they do believe in.

You’ll see that many of the links here below say that God made us with the intent for us to become like Him (in his image and likeness).
Looking back to what I had put here, I believe to have mentioned that in some future time we’ll make what we have been calling miracles, simply because our creator (Jehovah) gifted mankind with the brain that only now in the second millennium we are starting to look at with the (unrealistic??) intention to understand how it functions and what we can do using it. I remember too saying the very reason why Jesus came to earth to die in pain, I had said that it was to reduce the powers of our brain and I had mentioned few people of the past as examples.
Here below I put another Youtube that expresses the same question I had in my mind for a while or, “if God created us, who created God?” that does make sense (and proves that my brain and my logic are still intact).
There’s actually an answer to this question that has nothing to do with the Lavoisier principle (nothing can be created and destroyed), in fact – everyone knows that our universe was created from NOTHING, therefore NOTHING created our God creator, another miracle that no science can ever explain……sorry Mr. Lavoisier, with the universe, God created (from NOTHING) mathematics, physics and so on, with all of their rules, therefore no doubt that He could create Himself too (B.T.W. God creator is a male).


Sunday, February 05, 2017


Since my Queen Michele always tells me that I was never someone who would take on the impossible, but simply switch to dealing with something else, much easier and – obviously – possible, I see that not only I fully disagree with my Queen, but that I’ve written about the impossible here only three other times, or in:

          2. 6/3/15

I can remember very well the plenty impossible situations I dealt with in my life, I could start listing them here – like i.e. Michele's absolute refusal to ever get pregnant (no stretch marks on my belly….) to give birth or when I was given the complete responsibility to create from less than nothing a full and profitable market for a still unknown Italian shoe company (that fired me because I had become too powerful and influential), then if I was to think to a now remote past, I could mention the time when I broke my left ankle and after the surgery and ended the medication cycle, I’d participate in a tough trail running completion, with all of my doctors screaming to me how crazy it was and that any additional damage, would have meant my losing the entire foot…..
I had just said that I’m not going to need to make any list of the dozens of “impossibilities” that I overcame in my life, therefore, since my Queen should know well the most recent ones (including surviving a surely mortal accident) I’m truly both surprised and disappointed that she still believes in what her lover injected in her.
Few of the links to other websites I put here defer to God’s powerful help to overcome the impossible, but – if you’ve been following what I’ve been saying here, God is ourselves, so while it’s only us who can make the miracle to overcome the impossible, why would anyone think that our creator (Jehovah) may have any interest in helping us to overcome the impossible?


Thursday, February 02, 2017


If I was to add up all the losses that my survival from my accident with “the gift” of TBI has meant, I truly think that my agreement with Jesus was poisoned by my own personal pride (capital sin) because on top of having lost my athletic status, high level work career, my wealth and my two treasures, I lost my best friend ever too (Michele). I know that to say that your spouse is your best friend is a cheesy statement you do to say that you love your spouse, but in my case Michele and I truly used to behave like we were really true friends, sharing our fears and insecurities, making plans together about our future and decide what to do or where to go.
Truth is that having so much time to think on my own with the additional capability that  my intelligent mind did retain part of the freedom acquired when we die (no body to take care of, anymore), not only I’ve become a fascinated student of quantum theories but I believe to now have become some kind of philosopher too.
Therefore believe when I say that one of the great losses that I must have to deal with – and possibly overcome – is the loss of the Queen who used to be my best friend for real, I can only say that at least I still have some (male) friends left with whom I exchange messages almost on a daily basis.
Regardless, given that I already know for sure that this coming spring not only I’ll return to be free from conservatorship, but I’ll be walking and go to Verona (Italy) with both of my treasures, to be back here with a job again, I can only say that not only I pity my two conservators and the several neuropsy who have assessed me as someone who needs help to manage money (at a ridiculous cost).
This opens actually the thought that the most probable people who’ll end up in their own personal hell are the judges who apply a demented legislation done for weak and gullible elderly people to be protected against thefts.
What made me wonder first (in Ventura) is that these conservatorship cases are dealt with in a juvenile court, like myself and people like me are too demented to be treated like adults……..
The horrible thing is that not only the judges dealing with such cases (the one in Ventura because too old to do anything else and the one here in Santa Barbara because too fat and angry to be kept around for her colleagues to see, therefore told that taking care of such cases is a step forward in the career……too bad that no salary increase is part of such change).

Please readers take no offense in what I say here, just take it as a warning, in fact – as I had explained here before – this entire environment of conservatorships is filled with people I called losers, meaning that not only those who chose to be conservators of others are going to go straight to hell, but their attorneys too, who even if they must have studied hard to earn their title, chose to represent true thieves of people too weak to be independent.
Without naming any name - because unnecessary – I want to say that my very first conservator was a woman who thought it convenient – for herself only – to take over her mother’s occupation, therefore giving up what God and mother nature had created her for, marry and have kids, the amount of money that she – and her attorney – stole from me and my two treasures make me vomit, if I just think of it, so my only way to overcome the nausea is to think what both Jesus and Iacopo say, after they’ll die, their own souls will take care of themselves forever!
Now, as far as my second – and current – conservator, I admit that I had to scratch my head for some time, because he’s a man and former Presbyterian priest and I couldn’t figure out the reason why he’d chose to steal money from weaker people to improve his living conditions.
After scratching my head for a while I received a message that he felt it important to marry an already pregnant woman 
who gave birth to a couple of girls, he therefore felt it impossible to provide for his family by teaching all he knew - or what’s written in the Bible – so, after looking around for a while he learned of this occupation that can sometimes pay big money and requires no education nor experience of any kind at all.
I’ve come to think that he may even feel to be proud for what he did – and is still doing – he may believe to be a savior…..well, he’ll realize who he truly saved after he’ll pass over.