
Saturday, April 30, 2016


I finally figured out (using my injured brain and its logic) the reason why my Queen Michele has been telling me that she’s scared to become my conservator and I must say – sadly – that she’s totally correct, I can't count the number of times I barked at her for having tossed the receipt that’s always given every time you pay for something (anything) you buy in any business or retail store.
I was in fact the accountant not only in my family but I was overlooking the accounting departments in every company I ever worked at.
The simple fact that my college graduation in Italy was in math and science says very well both the level of my studies and of my overall preparation in these fields. In fact what’s been happening lately, is me guiding my conservator in doing everything right with both my investments and life insurance (that will only benefit my two treasures when it’ll finally be time to pass over).
In making a very superficial and brief Google search about the inability of wives in managing money, I found that this isn’t surely my wife's exception, just look at the websites I link below to have a pretty good sense that this issue is pretty widespread.
Actually, this is yet another reason (like another one was needed) to justify my decision to vote for Trump, rather than for Hillary C.
Since the beginning of time men have been in charge of making their families /wives as comfortable as possible, while women have been taking care of what men cannot do, or to procreate/give birth.

I therefore now understand and (somehow) agree with Michele’s fear to be in charge of our money, it’s just that she can’t understand that rather than paying tens of thousands of dollars to a conservator to “take care of my money” I could simply go back to what I was doing for decades before the injury, however she remains to be terrified that I might “waste” my money to go after impossible and not yet FDA approved therapies (no matter that it’s been used for years to help the recovery of people with TBI, like me) I’m kind of curious (in a sick way) to see the Enbrel therapy become officially approved by the Australian FDA, where their Big Pharma surely isn’t as powerful as here.


Friday, April 29, 2016


Sometimes I call my daughter; my princess, but I’ve read that it isn’t really good to do so, I therefore decided to call her – besides my treasure, like her brother – to call her the carbon copy of me, in fact people who’ve never seen us before, once they see us both the first thing out of their mouths is the question: is she your daughter? That’s the confirmation that not only she has my identical skin color and texture, but she talks and behaves just like me, of course since I’m almost 53 y/o and male, there are very obvious differences, but the skin and her behavior aren’t influenced at all by both age and character that means that she’s truly the carbon copy of me and – even if she’ll lose her last name when she’ll marry – she’ll bring me and all that makes me - Carlo L. - into the future, just like her brother.
I cannot publish here a picture of her, because too many (losers) are the internet predators who look for beauties around the world in the internet, therefore I put a simple video and few links to websites that explain what a father’s love is for his daughter, that’s very tender and that can bring any father to be willing to give his own life to save his daughter’s, in addition I'm sure that I will walk you to the altar the day you'll marry the right guy.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


I’m hoping that my readers already know who will receive my vote , although initially I had thought that a woman who was badly cheated by her husband had much in common with me and I thought that I might support her with my vote, as the vote time is approaching and we are slowly getting closer to the time to vote, I’ve been thinking that this country has been a great example of what a capitalistic economy is for every other country in this world.
I remember that when I was working in Italy the business model for every company I ever worked at, was simply to look and understand what an American company, in the same field was organized and how it did approach its market (including its products and marketing) simply put our country is a capitalistic model that has been inspiring at other country in the world and since Trump is a “business genius” my vote will go to him.
As you can see in the video I put here, I also like his aggressive way to approach his other contender, coming from a country where the Christian Democrats have been holding the power since too many years and for too many governments, I want to say that I’m a pure republican and I despise what the Democrats have been doing to this great country and the way they have been arguing among themselves about the way to fix our economy and spending reasons.
I must admit also that it’s time to have someone who will stop the import of labor from nearby countries at the expenses of true American born people, who especially in this time of financial disaster are looking at ways to earn some money to support their families without lowering themselves to the levels of pre-colonial times.
In my little space of my blog I’m just saying that I strongly believe (with my injured logic) that our country will be much better off with a true business man who has very clear and outspoken objectives about how to run this country just like any other American corporation and realign the spending of our tax-money to the real needs of “we the people” rather than have “yet another democrat” sitting on the most powerful chair of the world.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


My mother calls me every morning from Italy and since she’s 82 y/o and full of rheumatic pain- therefore watching TV all day long – all I hear from her is her complaining about her pain “that makes it difficult for her to walk” (no comments from her son – me – who has been sitting on a wheelchair for only 10 years…..).
Anyway after she’s told me about everything that happens not only in Verona, but here in Santa Barbara around the corner from where I’m living, she tells me in a somewhat of a complaining tone that Verona and plenty other towns not far from it is filling up with people coming from China and to this she immediately adds a couple of jokes that seem tom be popular in Italy in these days.
The other day the son of my former employer of the ski company in NH sent me a message through Facebook telling me that he’s now in China where his family decided to start sourcing ski-boots production, I told him that he’s teaching technology that it took centuries for the Italians tom develop and that – like all the other companies that do the same – his company is going to soon regret having made such decision, only to save little money.
Let’s forget about the fact that it’s been his father who with the huge powers of his mind got me into my debilitating accident, which explains well the reason why I met with Jesus, but this is something I wrote here about in the past, therefore let’s focus on these jokes.
Now, let me premise that I’m not a racist at all and I have few friends who are married tom women from China, a special one who, because of his job traveled to China for years and made several girlfriends (as he refers to them) in that country, therefore what I’m going to say here are just jokes now very popular in Italy:
·         In the space used to sleep by an Italian you can fit 8 Chinese people
·         Every time one of them - with the Italian ID (residency) - dies all the others eat the dead one to “recycle” the ID

That’s when she starts telling me of the people who are terrorists and even the Pope has to prepare special protections to ensure that when on Sundays he talks to the people in Vatican square, people there to receive the “Urbis et orbi” blessing won’t be exploding because of bombs exploded by these terrorists.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Thanks to the immense capacity of the wonderful internet and emailing ability to talk to everyone I’m interested in communicating with, I learned that what I’ve been praying to receive as therapy to restore my injured brain can only be used little time after the injury, therefore all my previous posts on this matter have no value for me and makes correct my new neurologist Linda, whom I insistently begged to receive such treatment.
My unique disappointment with her is that it would have been sufficient to be told that such treatment is good if used only little time after the injury, I would have stopped immediately with my begging and my vast internet research.
This however, proves again (like if there was any need) that the patented injection I’ve been talking about (too) much would be the perfect method to give back the natural plasticity to my brain, BUT given that it’s aggressively protected by a legal firm, no MD wants to take the (monetary) risk to perform it unless the extension to such patent is purchased upfront.
I wrote way too many posts AND put links to it, to want to add anything anymore. I can only say – as the expert in afterlife I’ve regretfully become – that the man who owns this patent is looking at an eternity spent in regret for just going after the money (generated by his patent) rather than share it and surely win a Nobel Prize in medicine.

Monday, April 25, 2016


I’m fairly sure that my constant readers know already of my being convinced to have met with Jesus and that having been labeled as agnostic (maybe true) it’s simply logic that having had such experience I’m now convinced in the real existence of a God, the creator of the entire universe, on this – given the plenty questions I’ve been receiving – I must explain that our creator is the universal gravity, while Jesus Christ (whom I met) is gravity made into man. I think it’s time for the entire Vatican kingdom to stop referring to Jesus as “the son of God”, how much longer must we be forced to hear those who are part of such kingdom say that Jesus was the son of God? My reason to post this thoughts here, is to say that – even if anyone who belongs to the Vatican kingdom (priests, monk, nun etc.…) would disagree – I’m alone because I’m abandoned by every person I always loved and took care of BUT Jesus never abandoned me, much like my dad (Saint Gianfranco) is always looking over me as a soul.
However, as the practical and objective individual I was born to be, the fact that not only I can’t remember having met with Jesus, but that on top I can’t even feel the presence of my own dad around me makes me truly wonder if all I’ve been believing and saying here is just my attempt to put little order in what I believe and think it to be true, if I add that there have been thousands of deaths among our soldiers shipped to countries that have been at war for centuries AND that I’ve seen how Jesus was “used” by the ancient Roman empire, or as the reason to keep and unify the people and countries they had ruled for centuries with in addition the theories – well expressed in the Zeitgeist movie series (the plenty who died and returned to life 3 days after having been put in their tombs) my simple questions are both why these people never became the founders of a worldwide religion and how can the Holy Shroud be explained, after having been studied for several decades by the most experienced researchers using the most modern research and most advanced  scientific methods.
Jesus had warned me that to survive my accident would be painful, but the pain I’ve been feeling has no method to be reduced (I’m under conservatorship, can’t work anymore and I lost my entire family on both sides of the Atlantic) , no medication exists to take care of my deepest pain BUT if at least I could receive what I hope could eliminate my physical pain, my life could be a bit better.
Please show your understanding and appreciation for my blog by making a little donation using the new Paypal button here on the right.



Sunday, April 24, 2016


Jesus was truly correct in telling me that it was surely going to be painful to survive my accident, the video I put here is a good explanation that together with 2 pdf docs I had emailed to my competent neurologist woman here in town, who usually tells me – for whatever she doesn’t know yet, nor wants to understand – that anything I ask to receive (even when FDA approved) it’s “experimental” therefore I should ask to the writers of the good papers I send to her by email.
But without going too much into my complaints I simply put the “enlightening” video and my usual links to websites that describe well what I’ve been begging for all the people I've known for years.
  11. ed/23180470
Interesting but long videos:

Saturday, April 23, 2016


As I’m watching the movie titled “a year and change” on my Amazon prime movies selection there’s a black guy who is on a wheelchair (like me) who says the following: “God has chosen me - and rightly so - he has chosen me for an eternity of hell, he cleverly gave me few years of hell on earth strapped on a wheelchair before the real hell begins, it's almost flattering if you think about it” these words really hit me straight in my stomach because it’s almost the same that Fr. Betto used to say to me when in Ventura “God truly blessed you Carlo, meaning that you’ve been chosen to take this challenge, but never forget that God never gives any challenge to someone He already knows will fail, just be patient and you’ll see that this test has a reason. You just need to be patient and one day you’ll understand.
I can’t begin to say how mad I used to become every time I was told this by that nice priest:
·         When might ever had asked or imagined to be “gifted” or being “blessed” with such a challenge by something that I wasn’t sure it truly (and objectively) existed and has my faith ever been so strong that God felt it right to challenge me?
·         How could I ever know that I win over my challenge?
·         WHY ME GOD?
This movie receives my two thumbs up because it shows the story of a year of the life of a real loser and – once again – it should be watched with friends and with the “special friend” that’s alcohol. Ha, and what about a small Paypal donation to show appreciation for what I say here?


Friday, April 22, 2016


I recently watched a documentary about Stonehenge and who+how it was built and a reference was made to the pyramids that – like Stonehenge – it must have been built by aliens, it was absolutely impossible for humans 4,500 years ago (or more) to have both the strength and ingenuity to move stones of that size and weight from where they were (now understood) to build monument of such imposingness.
Therefore I went around the internet looking for this never heard before idea.
And here is what I found (links and video) but since I’m not an expert in Egyptian culture, history nor ever had any interest in architecture (except for the ancient Roman and Italian medieval) –several posts on those, I’m not going to say much about this, just look at my past posts about the leaning tower in Pisa, the coliseum in Rome and the arena in Verona here in orange:


Thursday, April 21, 2016


After a very short search for the word love in my blog, I counted to have used it hundreds of times and even put in the title of my posts about a dozen of times, therefore I have to title this post in this way, because I already said that love is only human and even if animals look that they love their newborns, they act in this way only for survival instincts, certainly not for love.
Therefore I’m going to touch on this same subject again to say that love is the feeling or emotion most powerful in the entire universe and it can even make us willing to give our lives for it (example of the father willing to give his life in exchange of his kids’ safety).
Loves very much influences the afterlife too, because it can truly change the self-determined destiny of our soul’s eternity.
Here I must say that I truly hope that what my wife has been telling me for years (“you love me only because your brain is injured”) isn’t correct, because if it’s true when I die my newly acquired Universal Intelligence will surely make me decide that my love for her was truly crazy.
However – as I said before – love doesn’t come from the brain, but as it’s been said for centuries it comes from the heart, why would everything existing to express love for someone else is always represented with an heart? And on the opposite, why when someone is left by the subject of love, you always see a broken heart?
Given that I strongly believe both that the wisdom of the past still plays a very important role in modern times and that everything happens for a reason, I’m absolutely sure that this only human and god given emotion is very probably the strongest one we have.
As I always do, go to check the websites I link below that prove that I’m not so brain injured that I make up what I say here, if I was then the entire world is brain injured worse than me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The only woman I’ll love forever is the one who told me some time ago that she thought I was agnostic, aside my saying that we used to go to mass for every official catholic recurrence, we had both my treasures baptized in Italy, in the same church where we married and that my hero-son used to attend a nuns-run pre-school, I had to do some research to understand what the word means and having learned this I must say that maybe I could look like I was agnostic, but given that I’ve met with Jesus, there’s no doubt anymore what I am and this has really nothing to do with my brain being injured and making me look at things in a different way than I used to do, in fact I believe to either have retained the Universal Intelligence we have once we die or I must still have some kind of connection with the afterworld, for the reason that I can predict what’s going to happen even to people I don’t really know and I have very weird dreams most of the nights that show what others people (whom I know) do, or think to do in a very private way.
I don’t want to give any example of this, to me all that counts is to now be able to predict with absolute certainty how somebody’s afterlife is going to be, don’t ever think that this could be of any help to me – at least as long as I’m living – simply because what happens to a soul can’t change anything here on earth.
This actually gives me the opportunity to clarify what I mean by saying that to pray is important, no matter what religion you follow (too many questions from my readers on this), the importance of praying relates to our ability to focus our mind and attention (i.e. brain) on what we are asking for, or what we desire.
It’s in fact one of (the still very unknown) capacities that our brain has, it can’t be the Saint or Virgin Mary you are praying to, for what you want that “makes the miracle” to give what you ask for, it’s simply yourself and the power of your brain that make “this miracle” happen.
OK, now it’s time for you too to learn about this agnostic word, that to me it shows that we learn something new, every day we live.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I’ve been imprisoned by 2 conservators who shall save any and all of my money (I ever earned ad that will ever receive to cover my disability needs) if in addition I think that I cannot live with my treasures (because their mother finds it convenient) AND I cannot go back to work (some say that I’m  unable to deal with the stress of today’s work environment) I can only say that Jesus was right in telling me that my survival will be painful (forget about my thinking that I could get rid of any pain with little aspirin).
However, when my physical and psychological pain are really bad, it’s enough for me to think of my treasures or talk with either one of them by phone to completely eliminate my pain.
My reason to write this post today is to explain something that I’m pretty sure will make my Ventura sista mad, that's about what people of any religion report to have met while in their coma induced N.D.E.
In fact, the news often report of a Buddhist having met with Jesus, which surely makes the news, but how many Buddhist meet with Buddha (therefore unworthy to be reported in the news), and what if the same happens for any other religion?
I said it here before that our God isn’t a being that can be offended easily, in fact it doesn’t matter what you believe, any “superior being” is fine, no matter the name, why do you think that a true genius like Einstein was, would openly say to believe in the existence of God?
I just read that even the convinced atheist of Stephen Hawking recently said that our universe was created by gravity, therefore admitting the existence of our God creator.
Anyway – to stay on subject – I believe that even if I’m not a theologist (just a Ph. D. in economics) I’ve become a true expert in what happens when we die (biggest question of mankind since the beginning) and I’m hoping not to have to say it again (just use my blog-map). This is actually when what I know, matches very well with Iacopo’s beliefs, or that it’s best to never hurt anyone else while living because it’s the sure way to go to hell, that to me is of very little consolation because it’s something that will happen in not too distant future to everyone nor it’ll give me any relief in my painful existence. Again Iacopo is right saying that “if we knew what our future existence will be, the entire world would change overnight”.
Of course it’s easy for me to say that each and every conservator (loser) cannot imagine what eternity will have; I need to add that any and all the attorneys involved in such business, are looking too to an eternity in their own hell, as they’ll decide on their own.
Related to this I want to say how sorry I am for the judge in charge of my case, whom God has punished already (her circumference is longer than her height) and while I hope that she isn’t married and has no children (too cruel for them), I’m absolutely sure that both her attitude and decision making would dramatically change if she could just have an idea of what kind of eternity she’s looking at....

Monday, April 18, 2016


As the passionate mathematician with great interest in physics I’ve always been (all objective matters) A. Einstein has always been the man who’s admired not only by “simple” people like me, but very much by very eminent mathematician and quantum researchers.
As a matter of fact after he had died his brain was removed from his skull because people wanted to know if hid inhumane intelligence could be found in the way his brain was formed, how a simple postal employee somewhere in Switzerland could develop theories – that couldn’t be scientifically proven for decades after his death – about the way out universe is made, how time and space are intimately connected with gravity and the speed of light?
There was a point in my life – like I bet, for many others – when I thought that Einstein must have been chosen by God to give to humanity a better understanding of whom and where we are.
There are two major things that truly shock me about this man:
1.     He predicted and somehow initiated the quantum theories (that only now we are starting to research)
2.    He was sure of the existence of a God creator and even made (t)his idea public
Einstein was truly lucky too for having been able to leave Switzerland at the time when the Nazis were starting to conquer Europe and the entire world (with Einstein the Nazis could have surely developed the atomic bomb before the USA) and very much too because his genius was recognized while he was still alive (not 100 or more years after his death).
I find it wonderful that Einstein is still recognized today as the initiator of the most recent and complex quantum theories – theories that surely fascinate me (and my injured brain) too.



Sunday, April 17, 2016


I've learned a pretty good lesson about the movie I just rated (Straight outta Compton)
Aside from the story being true and full of historical parts, I loved the way this group of friends got really taken advantage by the "whites" who did it all simply using their law.
I mean, if this movie doesn’t raise the anger and concern of the vast population of black people in this country, I can’t imagine what else might do it.
Therefore I change my assessment of this movie by 360 degrees and I advise my readers to watch it (without any need of either company or alcohol).

As I just said this is a movie that keeps your eyes and attention glued to the screen where it’s being played.


OK, I dare you all to count how many times you hear the word F.... and the women referred to as bitches in this motherfucking movie because it’s been my only reason to keep watching it, NOT for doing this count, just because I was interested to see how low these niggas could go with such a frustrating story as seen in this movie.
Anyhow, this is yet anada movie to watch in company of friends (or alone as I always am) with hard alcohol by the gallon, simply because you must be truly drunk to get to its end.
I mean, it isn’t a horrible movie to watch; you just need to have a reason (of some kind) to want to watch it from its beginning to the end. However this movie it's about the group NWA that did take our nation like a storm, because they complained about the brutality that people of color have been subject to, like Martin Luther King and the protests of the 60's never happened.
As for me, what can I say? My reason to having watched it, is simply because at least I couldn’t think of my miserable condition of the abandoned (because disabled) man I’ve become, who knows exactly what treatment I could receive to put an end to my earthly hell, all I’m hoping is that since I’ve been in hell – so far – for 10 years, I might go straight to heaven when I’ll die, for the simple reason that gravity (our God creator) will put balance to me with the positivity necessary to re-balance my soul.


Saturday, April 16, 2016


Maybe it’s only because I had a N.D.E. that I can both understand and guess topics that I’m amazed to be even interested in, but I must say that I feel like I should be given a medal for having known already what quantum physics is claiming to be able to prove today, or that death isn’t the end of our existence, we as individuals, with our conscience simply move to another (parallel) universe of the billions we now know that exist.
As a matter of fact, every night I dream to either be driving around Verona with one of my dearest Liceo (Tiz) classmates or that I’m the new C.E.O. of TEVA a company I own.

What I actually found hilarious is the dream I had just last night, or that the guy who had gotten rid (= fired) of me when I was with GEOX was being fired by the company’s owner (M. M. Pol.) in a very laughable manner, in the presence of people I’m sure don’t work at that company anymore.
In other words I wake up with a big smile on my face (most of the times) but this truly makes me dream that this is reality in some other universe, where I’m not divorced and always lonely; I just don’t know how to transfer to that universe.
This made me think that maybe that’s where we go after we die, and – my, oh my!! – it turns out that my (injured) logic is being “scientifically proven” with the latest quantum theories that truly sparkle my interest and (injured) logic. Therefore all I need to do is to wait to die to get to the other parallel universe and experience for real all I’ve been dreaming since I got out of my coma!
However, how could anyone say:”I can’t wait to die!” – Especially me, I agreed with Jesus to remain alive for the love I have for my two treasures?
From a certain (injured) point of view, we could all say: “why the f…. must we waste our lives being in this universe if the one of the afterlife is so much better?”.

Well, aside that even the Bible says that to commit suicide is a capital sin, can you think of how bad the one who commits suicide would feel for not having remained alive and do all that could have been done if still alive? In my (injured) mind this truly is being forever in hell and don’t ask what hell is, I’ve explained here plenty times already.



Friday, April 15, 2016


Let me add this great artist of the Italian Renaissance, right after Leonardo Da Vinci.  In 1488 the young Michelangelo began attending the workshop of Domenico Ghirlandaio, but the activity did not correspond to his character, so much so that he was often working in solitude. And it’s in this period that the artist Michelangelo is formed and mature their own artistic creativity through the study of fifteenth-century Florentine culture. In Florence he lived and worked for the Medici family.
In this youthful period he realizes the Battle of the Centaurs and the Madonna della Scala (1490-92, Casa Buonarroti, Florence).
In 1495 when Florence Savonarola fighting art, Michelangelo moved to Rome where he sculpted the famous Vatican Pietà (Pietas).
She then returned to Florence where he produced a series of works that today still are masterpieces. The Doni Tondo (Uffizi Gallery, Florence), the Pitti Tondo (Museo del Bargello, Florence) and in 1501 he created his most famous sculpture David (Accademia Museum, Florence). The work was placed at the entrance of the Palazzo Vecchio, then moved inside the Museum (currently outside the Palazzo Vecchio is a copy).
Spostatosi again in Rome to the dependence of Pope Julius II, where he worked for about forty years. Begins with the design of his tomb, Michelangelo but neglected by the pope is not in tune with the Pope. Then ironed out their differences, Julius II in 1508 commissioned him to fresco the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (I saw it in person when a teenager). An immense task that requires four years of intense work, where we find the Creation of Adam and represents the full expression of the artistic ideals of the Renaissance.
On the death of Pope Julius II (in 1513) Michelangelo works to his grave and realizes the Moses and the two Slaves (Louvre Museum, Paris). Michelangelo returned to Florence and back to work for the Medici made the Basilica of San Lorenzo with the project for the decoration of the facade and the building of the New Sacristy (1520-34).
In San Lorenzo also creates the project for the Laurentian Library (which dots will be realized only after the middle of 1500 together with Ammannati).
After 1530 he resumed work at the tomb of Julius II and sculpts the four unfinished Prisoners but even these do not go to adorn the tomb of the great pontiff (= Pope).
After the death of his father Lodovico, in 1534 Michelangelo moved permanently to Rome and worked for Pope Clement VII. In this stage of life he frescoed the altar of the Sistine Chapel with the Last Judgment (1536-41).
Michelangelo also works on architecture and after 1550 he completed the construction of the Laurentian Library in Florence (stunningly beautiful) and designs and manufactures Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome and then devoted himself to the construction of the dome of St. Peter in Rome (cubic WOW). This work he was appointed in 1547 by Pope Paul III and the artist intervened in the apse. Michelangelo died in Rome on February 18, 1564 at his home at the Forum of Trajan at the age of 90 years. The works of St. Peter finished later with the construction of the dome he had designed with minor modifications. After his death the city of Florence claims the remains of their fellow citizen that his nephew steals from Rome. Today the tomb of the Renaissance genius lies in the Church of Santa Croce(I dedicate this to you, my dear treasures, not only because I know that you come here to read my posts, but very much too because we'll go to Italy together to see these beauties that represent the roots of today's culture and timeless sense of beauty).


Thursday, April 14, 2016


I’ve been watching very many (too many??) Youtubes about both arts and science (especially mathematics and quantum physics) and realized that the Louvre museum in Paris has plenty works of art from Italian artists (maybe the majority?) and among the very many Italians displayed in this museum a dominant role is played by Leonardo Da Vinci who wasn’t just a painter and artist; he was also an engineer, architect, scientist, inventor, cartographer, anatomist, botanist and writer. And no he was not a Jack of all Trades; he was a master in almost every field, in effect a true Polymath and genius.
Therefore today I’m talking about Leonardo, whose genetic patrimony is in my own genetic imprinting as well as in that of my two treasures, while I can predict that tomorrow I’ll make a post for my readers all about the very fact that nonetheless than quantum physics is now finally scientifically proving what us Catholic believers have known very well since Jesus came on earth to show us in person (only about 2,000 years ago), the Youtube videos I’ll be posting will be worth watching, even if my writing and the supportive links won’t be of any interest……..therefore, get ready to have many good friends and very hard alcohol.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


My spending at least 14 hours each day browsing the internet I learned very recently of the NOW that pretty much says that we are all controlled – even genetically – by some “superior government” that’s in charge of each and every country of the world, including every US States.
Aside for the fact that this sounds to me like the description of some God, I must say that I find this totally unimaginable, maybe good to make a movie of fiction that scares the viewers and give horrible nightmares, but I think that one God is enough, there’s no need for an entire government to act like it’s a God.
I can think of too many things to make my readers have fun, like whom would we have to pray, for what and what would be the prayers to use? It seems that these movies give a reason for everything that happened in recent times (i.e. 9/11, tornadoes, hurricanes – like the one in New Orleans – etc.…).
The New World Order is also a conspiracy theory which posits a new period of history bringing about a major change in the world with the balance of world power. This New World Order is theorized by some to involve a group or groups of elitist people bent on ruling the world through a single worldwide system of government. The appeal of this New World Order lies in its proposal to free the world of wars and political strife, and its promises to eradicate poverty, disease, and hunger. Its purpose is to meet the needs and hopes of all mankind through worldwide peace.
What I find it to be surprising is that this has been the purpose of Christianity in the last 2K years, it’s my modest understanding that Christianity doesn’t like much this idea of a N.W.O.
From what I’ve been reading both parties are ready for war but you (my reader) must promise not to search in Youtube for N.W.O., you’ll lose several nights of sleep!!

