
Thursday, November 27, 2014


I'm sure that there is some genetic or psychological reason that can explain my attitude regarding loving someone, in fact while my immense love for my treasures cannot be measured neither differentiated in any way between these two parts of me, my falling in love with their mother Michele was a true replacement of her with my previous (and still current) girlfriend that everybody (including both of my parents) believed that I would surely marry - about this I also have other women (girls) who were considered by several other people as my future wife, to the point that the day Michele and I got married, my mother received several phone calls from people who were very surprised of my "fast acting" in this regard.

Given that I could only fall in love with another woman in replacement of my Michele, I think it's fair for me to say that Michele is truly irreplaceable because she is the true and only mother of our treasures, while I'm posting no pictures of them here, because of the risk for them to become targets for sexual predators, I simply put here few links to websites that discuss the concept of love by replacement, that some think it's negative but that my own experience tells the opposite.


Monday, November 24, 2014


This video describes with accuracy the way I will react the time when I will return to be the free man I was born to be and the type of person that our creator made me to be.
Even if I have become a supporting (and paying) member of the NASGA there seems to exists no attorney or law-firm interested in making money (all they seem to be interested in) by giving the God-given protection to citizens of this great country, often referred to as "the land of the free".
Even if I still love very dearly the mother of my treasures (and former wife Michele) my own Leroy wouldn't be getting any "extra trip" in some comfortable and warm place, simply because not only I still love Michele, but very much too because that part of my brain (cheating lobe) has never functioned at all, even before the injury.
So here you go and have fun while helping me out (NOT with the GoFundMe, now stolen from me) knowing and trusting that since not even death could take me out, I'm staying here around to see what Jesus/God explained with the concept of "an eye for an eye" (reason why nothing is under control now for you Ph. D. and  you, the my GoFundMe thief).


Sunday, November 23, 2014


I'd say that thanks to my superior intelligence I figured out the way to overcome all of my (too many) losses, like money, freedom of speech, of medical care, my family (both here and in Italy).
Therefore I post here one short Youtube video about my daily piece of heaven and - not to make a post of just Youtubes - I just put few links of other "pieces of my heaven".
I also want to say that - much to my astonishment - I'm having real law-firms in this town look at my upcoming posts to know if I may offend anybody with what I say, so in a way if anyone may ever say or do anything based on what I post here, they are going to have to face serious legal firms (that are certainly interested in making money at the expenses of those who might think to have been pointed out and offended by what I say here.
On this very subject I simply add that all the people (MD, maybe) who have been denying to me the perispinal Enbrel treatment shall start to be ready to pay to get out of the lawsuits they will face when next year (at most) the FDA will finally approve what I have been begging to receive for more than one full year and that not only has kept me in pain but has kept my family away from me for so long of a time. I'm also planning to post about where the souls of those "infidels" are going to end up when they will soon pass on.
In the meantime however, now enjoy my piece of heaven with me.

Few more Grandpa links:

and this might be the name of my new (bad & private) blog:

Monday, November 17, 2014


I put here the perfect /youtube where the researcher Bob Olson explains - while talking about suicide - what hell is about and that's consistent with my description of where our souls end up after the separation from the body (death), in fact I cannot imagine anything worse than regretting in eternity having terminated our own life and by doing so the immense pain and sorrow caused to those who love us, so look at this really "eye opening" video

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Very much to my own amazement I just found out why quantum mathematics (and physics) now can prove the existence of several universes in the same space (but NOT TIME) and I post here - as I always do - a video Youtube and few links in support of my renouncement:

I guess that I've been always correct about my intelligence getting even better after my TBI, but stay tuned because a new post will come here talking about my renewed connection with God - our creator - and the human brain.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I realized and must admit that I posted too many times religious/Catholic thoughts that I constantly have, simply for my encounter with our Creator and the agreement I made about my survival.
Therefore, I’m going to place here the Youtube of my latest and current addiction, because when I am not thinking of God, I do have plenty time to entertain myself and I also very recently found out that I don’t need to pay Netflix for a monthly subscription, when for a fraction of its monthly cost I can both rent for 2 or 3 days or even forever own movies online in my Amazon account, so I just put here a short video of what I cannot stop watching day after day, that my adored life companion Michele isn't able to watch by herself, I guess because she is too busy feeling guilty about what she has been doing both to herself and me, our treasures included.

I can only say that I hope and pray (= focus my mind) to rejoin my family by this coming Christmas that will bring wonderful gifts to each of us as one united family again.

Monday, November 10, 2014


I take the idea of how to label this post from my philosopher friend Iacopo who declares himself to be a true atheist, even if from what I can understand from what he publishes (and thinks and does) he seems to me that he has true catholic principles.
Now, let’s set on a side that I’m a true and fervent creationist, both from my Italian origins and from my Near Death Experience while in a coma, let me try to give an explanation objective enough that it could be accepted as valid/true even by true atheists like Iacopo.
As everyone can expect, I have conducted my own deep research, I watched movies, read books and exchanged emails with plenty thinkers on this matter all over the world (the beauty of email).
So here is my conclusion in the bullet point form that makes it easy both for you the reader and me the writer:
  • God (or a God) did create us humans and provided us with the brain, that nobody can imagine what is capable of, in fact:
    • We use about 10% of it’s capacity
    • We are just starting to map it, in hope to understand it a little better
    • I have been saying that it’s the “antenna receiver” that puts us in contact with our Creator (God)
    • When used at a fraction of a  % above the standard, it gives the capacity to make real miracles happen (what science cannot explain, because not repeatable nor measurable)
  • The above makes it logical to understand why the only reason to pray God isn’t to “activate” Him (our Creator) to address our needs, but to focus our own mind/brain into what we desire and pray for.
  • It’s now absolutely fascinating to me that “real science” has discovered what every religion has been teaching for at least 2K years and what even prehistoric humans drew tens of thousands of years ago in caves in the south of France (or the great hunts that the already deceased people were having after they had died – in heaven maybe??).
For us humans to have a brain with the mind and the soul with afterlife are the strongest evidences that we were indeed created by the God (as we say) creator of this universe with the Milky Way, the solar system with our planet earth in it, I do invite any of my readers here to watch the documentary entitled “Expelled” that describes pretty well the “battle” currently going on between Darwinists (like Michele) and creationists (like me).
I just want to add that I was wrong when I said to have made an agreement with Jesus to survive my mortal accident, given that the entity I had made the agreement with, to remain alive was surely my own soul – with all my knowledge and life experience – maybe it’s Iacopo who hit this nail on the head (he was right). On the other side we shouldn't forget the concept of the Trinity always expressed with the sign of the cross on the chest when walking into a Catholic church.
In fact by saying:”in the name of the father (1), the son (2) and the Holy Spirit (3) we just say that these are all parts of the same entity, no wonder I cannot remember having seen Jesus in making my agreement.
Now, even if according to Erik (and his gang of neuropsy.) with Anna and Michele, once the brain is injured it cannot learn or logically think ever again like before the injury, I've been studying the new quantum science (physics and mathematics) very much for the claim that it’s now possible to clearly (and mathematically) demonstrate the existence of a God creator, what makes me smile is also the new idea of our universe being part of a multiverse, therefore – in some way – changing the importance of “our God”, because either there exist more than one, or “our God” is way more omnipotent than we could ever imagine J. (hope it’s clear I don't believe in this idea).
I just want to conclude by saying that:
  1. it’s going to be just ourselves (in form of soul) that decide where we will spend eternity
  2. hell is just our own soul (=ourselves)being forever regretful for mistakes (or bad things) done against others seen and clearly understood as we pass on – since that is when we can see our entire life like a documentary – if we see/realize that we never did anything to repair our wrongs, that’s where we will end up.
  3. I know that I said here before that the hell described by Dante A. isn't too accurate (his, was simply a collection of the “word of the streets” in Italy during the 13th century) but I truly cannot imagine a worse hell than the one of a soul regretting forever the wrongs done against others while living life here on earth.
Later I will talk about femininity vs. masculinity (A), world economy (B), marrying a loser (ha!)- (C), off springs generation (D) [“grow and multiply” as God commands in the bible] you can repair your mistakes done against me and my treasures. Given that you do know well what mistakes I’m referring to, I suggest that to die (or pass over) with regrets is a sure way to end up forever in hell.
Now, I am sure that anybody can spend some time to verify and check my statements here; it just takes patience, time and a good internet connection with the knowledge to make well pointed Google searches.
Have a good time!!
